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Idea: Accumulate media files for all RPG tracks

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Idea: Accumulate media files for all RPG tracks

Postby HawkGer » 16.05.2010, 18:48

I had this idea some time ago...but never went around to actually pull it off. I realized that the media files for RPG tracks (meaning images, signs, sounds and musics) are backed up very loosely. They are spread over all kinds of webspace's and chance is high that one of them eventually goes down or content is removed.

Missing that content ingame would be tragic. I mean...who likes staring at TM-default signs for example? ^^
So I propose saving all that content and structure it into a single zip-file. I would host that file and it would be accessable for everyone. Pretty much like the huge mod-file that we already offer at the RPG Blog.
I do not know this could be managed best. The easiest way would be to clean the cache and then open all tracks once until all the new content is in the cache. Would be hard to seperate signs and images/sounds and music this way though...
Anouther way is to look at the first lines of the .gbx file in a HEX Editor and copy/paste the URL's for the media files into the browser. Could be structured immediately..but takes way longer..

Oh...and I just noticed...with the first method all files would have to be renamed from the cache due to all the random characters in front 8|

Well...maybe someone hops on to this project...which I would be thrilled about! If not, maybe I would do it in some time...on a very bored day ^^
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Postby DarkRiver » 05.06.2010, 07:59

It could also be a good idea if all files ever used in rpg tracks would be hosted on one, always online webspace. Then you would make a forum post or even an entire website filled with all the links and stuff people need. It would be a very organised system as every track would use the same locators.
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Postby HawkGer » 05.06.2010, 10:04

I don't really think that track builders would update their existing tracks with new locators. Especially not because the tracks from which I would get content would still have functioning locators and the ones that are already dead there is no way to get the content easily. I also think that barely anyone would download such a media pack, that's why I don't really have motivation to do it. Still a nice thought ;)
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Postby DarkRiver » 08.06.2010, 05:05

I know, I meant that it could be used for new tracks
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