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Help - MT camera, replays and sounds

Postby Fluxor » 03.11.2012, 10:48

Hey guys,

i really need your help.

im working on a second slender - tm trailer and now i will show something of the map. (the first one didnt show)
so i made the trailer with custom camera and a cam that goes with the car (dont know the real ingame name, my game is german^^)

and i added some sounds.

the problem:

the mt (intro) the sounds are all shown, BUT the replays are not. and
at the moment where the cam goes with the car, it doesnt, it only shows
one pic of the map.

if i play the map, and the intro is shown, all works.
so i wanted to make a video ingame from the MT, so recorded with tm.
but i want to show the skins and the camera.

what must i do???

i thought i could record with an extra program, but that laggs as F%ck.

is there any possibility to record all with the mt??
at other videos by me it works.

thx for reading,

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Joined: 16.08.2012, 15:08

Postby maxi031 » 15.11.2012, 04:34

I can barely understand what you wrote up there.
Do you want to record intro from the map?
If that is what you want, just export clip, then inport it in ingame mt, drive the replay and shoot video from game video recorder.
As for ingame mt, just drive one replay and record it with game video recorder.
If you are having troubles with with imported ghosts, make sure your camera is pointed at that ghost you imported.
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Postby Fluxor » 22.11.2012, 09:40

thx for help, will test it.
Im really happy that now someone is helping me, thanks!
Posts: 13
Joined: 16.08.2012, 15:08

Postby Fluxor » 22.11.2012, 20:51

ok, i tried it and it works.
BUT the sound is overdriven.
i tried out some changes with the sounds but it didnt work.
It would be the best of the world if someone of you could make the video for me, maybe only my decoder is too bad.

please try it:
Slender Trailer video.Replay.Gbx - Speedy Share - upload your files here

oh, i think youll need the skins and the pics...
and the sounds, so what can i do?
Posts: 13
Joined: 16.08.2012, 15:08

Postby maxi031 » 24.11.2012, 12:54

I can try to record it with trackmania, but you need to upload custom content somewhere if you want video to look the same.
I use Dropbox as online storage.
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