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need an 3D water skin

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need an 3D water skin

Postby Fluxor » 16.08.2012, 15:23

hey there,

this is my first forum topic.
im building a new rpg track with some special effects.
I need a large 3D water skin.
it should be a very large plane of water, bigger than the stadium.
But it has to be not horizontal, it should have the rotation of the nomal road uphill part.
if you dont get what i mean, here is a complete forum topic by me on tmx:
need a 3d object -... - TMX

It would be very cool if someone could help me.
Im not good enough in making skins and im too lazy :P

ok, thx
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Postby PCC_NS » 16.08.2012, 17:27

Do you need this?

Then, use it on a slope block ;)
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Postby XT3 » 16.08.2012, 17:55

Oh as you drive up hill it looks like the water is raising as a flat surrface. I know how to make the medol but I do not have the program which I know how to just. I am not going to pay like $200 for it nor will I torrent it.

Make a striaght line in any 3dmodel program. Net make another line which is attached to the left tip of the line and make it X(how ever big the room is) in lenght. Next messure it to be at a 45 degree angle for the flat striaght line. That is how to make it go at a angle.

Thats all that I can easly explain with text. I wish I had the program
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Postby Fluxor » 16.08.2012, 18:04

this water platform is great. What i need should be bigger if its possible.
but it need to be not horizonlal, that the water skin is horizontal when the car goes upwards.
so the skin should not be in 90
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Postby XT3 » 16.08.2012, 18:12

Like I said If I had a 3d program I would make the basic model but I cant
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Postby Fluxor » 16.08.2012, 18:40

why isnt it possible like all other skins?
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Postby XT3 » 16.08.2012, 18:48

It is in my mind. Just no one thinks about it. I really wish I had the program then I would make it in a jif atleast the model base
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Postby Fluxor » 16.08.2012, 19:09

ok :(
so i think no one other in this forum has such a programm?!
then, is there an other way to create rising water?
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Postby PCC_NS » 17.08.2012, 03:17

[s]with this block, you'll just record a GPS in a slope block

[/s]oO you need 90
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Postby Fluxor » 17.08.2012, 11:29

ok, then i search for an other story.
i know the track apocalypse, there is a large sun skin used. took some minutes to load^^
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Postby Joost » 17.08.2012, 16:35

The way the map would be built up, the MT would render the track unplayable online. Since it involves 'racetime>...' conditions on clips that say you're drowning. Flux knows that, hopefully, since I said that at TMX.

But that aside, does it really have such a negative effect on performance using a XXL skin in your track?
The model in question should be horizontal when the car drives upwards over a platform slope (no 90 degree angle therefor) and it is just a simple plane. And all the XXL models I know don't have a very large texture, which makes them look blocky, but also less heavy?
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Postby XT3 » 17.08.2012, 16:39

No it shouldnt and it could be made without racetime. Use speed at the trigger. so the first trigger was show the water rise and the other trigger will atvate if you are not going over set speed
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Postby Joost » 17.08.2012, 17:30

The original idea was to have a constantly rising watersurface (the skin). You basically had to run from the water. There would be one clip to achieve the waterrising (a replay driving up a slope with the special watermodel), but there would be a lot of clips for the drowning message. For each blockheight there would be an clip, with an different timecondition per clip.

If you were to use speedtriggers, the 'you're drowning' message could be played while the water was still blocks below you, simply because you stood still for a moment, crashed or had to reverse, while you had driven the rest of the map quickly.

I made a demo-track for him and me and another user came to the conclusion that the closest way to achieve what he wanted, was to use the racetime-dependent triggers.
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Postby fabio_m » 17.08.2012, 21:42

i remember when i did my pizza delivery track with the city skin arround the lag turned to be huge and online it would suck

what i would recomend you is to try something else on the story, f.e. instead of a flood, a drop or raise of the temperature and you have to rush to avoid being freezed or burned
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Postby Igntul » 18.08.2012, 10:22

the city skin is huge and complex, the water skin is flat and surely smaller
i dont think it would be a problem
i had the same idea with the diagonal platform that looks straight when you go uphill, like 2 years ago, tried to do something similiar on kvwoos^^ but never managed to
anyway a rising water platform can still be interesting for other purposes, not only as time limit (if you dont do it exactly like you planned, time limit thing is still possible)

i think i can get a 3d skin like that for common use, there isnt only one way..
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Postby Fluxor » 18.08.2012, 13:54

ok, thx.
here a little idear of what i want. The mt is already done. its just an idea and a try:
RPG rising level.Challenge.Gbx - Speedy Share - upload your files here
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Postby maxi031 » 13.11.2012, 21:37

I think its not possible to make it dinamic water, just flat surface.
Here is Link, the water is -15 degree, as you move on the road upwards, it is positioned horisontaly.
I did not see any fps drop in solo mode, you should put it up on some server to test it out.
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