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Big RPG map

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Big RPG map

Postby Guest » 29.05.2012, 18:42

Hey RPG "family"

Topic: Build a RPG map with many mappers (everybody who would).

Concept: -256x256x256 map
-Everybody get an area to build some rpg checkpoints. (e.g. 12x12x12 area for erveryone)
-No mod.
-No story. Except if you can pu one story into an area of (12x12x12 :D )
-Maybe need some help from some better or more popular rpg drivers/mapper than me.
-Everybody get a picture where he can put his name.
-Write a comment if you would to build..!
-If you would you can make a bit advertising :P

PS: We can change something at the concept.

Last edited by Guest on 29.05.2012, 19:24, edited 4 times in total.

Postby N00BYZOR » 29.05.2012, 18:49

It could be funny, but a 256^3 RPG map would be very laggy...
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Postby Igntul » 29.05.2012, 18:55

nice, no, since you organized it, no
no mod no story.. mdr
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Postby Guest » 29.05.2012, 18:56

+1 noobyzor

yeah, I am in! :)

Postby Guest » 29.05.2012, 18:58

It will be too hard to find a mod/story with that everybody will be statisfied (if it'S the right word..)

Postby Guest » 29.05.2012, 18:59

@ nooby , we mustnt fill it completle :D i think it will be enough if we are only 30 mappers or so

Postby Guest » 29.05.2012, 19:01

Now the question : should I start the organisation ?

Postby Mario » 29.05.2012, 19:47

Malun wrote:@ nooby , we mustnt fill it completle :D i think it will be enough if we are only 30 mappers or so
"only" 30 mappers?^^ how many u think will compete? xD
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Postby GSNPaul » 29.05.2012, 23:07

I've seen quite a few community track projects in a while (including RPG ones), and most of them failed, care to know why?

1. Loss of motivation (organisation and/or builders).
2. Time consuming building process. (see 1)
3. Lack of talented builders.
4. Bad organisation.
5. Deadlines being exceeded. (see 2)
The list goes on...

Most of these apply here or could potentially apply at a later stage (and there are also some problems that are specific to RPG only). So yes, the idea is nice in general, but i fear that without a solid and convincing concept the attempt is prone to fail from the very beginning.
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Postby N00BYZOR » 30.05.2012, 09:43

@Malun: so if you won't fill the whole 256^3 space, you better would calculate how much space you will need to build. As I did in my oversized maps. It's only an optimization issue ;)
Btw I think 30 builders is more dreaming than reality...
About 4 or 5 builders would be a more realistic project ;)
And seriously, you should put a mod in it, a RPG map without mod is quite not an RPG for me...

For my part, I was planning to have a break with TM mapping...

@GSNPaul: what you said is true, I already tried to make duo map long time ago, but that didn't worked fine ^^
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Postby Nyco » 30.05.2012, 10:27

Ok for me :crazy:
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