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Little tutorial about the board

Little tutorial about the board

Postby Realized2 » 05.05.2010, 19:28

Hey all fellow trackmaniacs!
This little tut will help you to know about every section on this forum.

"Knowledge and Help"

"RPG Talk" - Talk about almost anything regarding RPG tracks - discuss RPG-blog posts, RPG drivers, your impressions about this track style in general.
"Track Building / MediaTracker / Blockmixing" - Questions about using MediaTracker and Blockmixing go here. Also discuss how to build stylish tracks here.
"Modding / Graphics / 3D models / Sounds" - Share and discuss the things that make RPG track an RPG track. Everything from making custom mod and sounds to importing 3D models.
"Events / Competitions" - Planning an awesome tourney or an online track premiere? Announce it here and gather more folks for it.
"Other" - Here you can ask for help with a difficult spot in a particular map. GPS , advanced tricks tutorials are also here. And everything that does not fit into other sections.


"Projects & Beta" - Post here if you're looking to do a track with someone , or want to organize a beta-test of your track.
"Tracks" - This section is for finished tracks. Post'em , discuss , and recieve exposure to your tracks.
"Mods" - Present and discuss your mods here.
"3D models" - Post your created models here.

"United RPG" - There are few united RPG tracks out there. Share and discuss these rare gems in this section.

"Off Topic"

"Introduce your TM Clan" - Here you can present your clan and recruit people.
"Introduce Yourself" - Tell us about yourself , your life outside TM , and even post pics if you're brave enough :D .
"Smalltalk" - Discuss everything!
"About this Board" - News and information about these forums you can find in this section.
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Posts: 22
Joined: 03.05.2010, 22:12

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