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Cryoshell tribute mod

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Cryoshell tribute mod

Postby XT3 » 29.02.2012, 18:46

I made this a while ago and now i am continueing to make it. A tribute mod to the Band Cryoshell. It was ment to go along with a track on mine called the Room. THough now i just want some imput on what you can see of it right now and i will change drt textures. Funny thing is is in the day, the mod can be used to prevent flickering think. weird huh? :?:


Just tell me what you all think of it
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Postby dose » 01.03.2012, 20:30

nice, but need much more textures before I can say something or download ;)

the atmosphere seem allright , did you changed some of the light fx, sun reflection,etc ?
On the circuitD, you did the "StadiumcircuitN"?

keep it commin I will test it later !!

check my mods if you need some hint on how i do it ;)

Dose :thumbup:

I just try it, the floors are ok but your StadiumRoadD.dds need TO BE " NO ALPHA" So we dont see thru^^
I really dont like those black RoadCircuitBorder (almost impossible to see if im close to it when ridding)
The CircuitD really need the CircuitN.dds file to get rid of the original 3d textures.

Good luck!

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Postby XT3 » 02.03.2012, 01:12

Wow thx Dont worry I will edit the textures! :)

the atmosphere seem allright , did you changed some of the light fx, sun reflection,etc ?

Yes i did edit the lighting effect :D I will edit evn more now. THis is an older mod, if you use it let me know! YOu seem to be the one who responds most to my posts
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