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BNC RPG Week #2

BNC RPG Week #2

Postby Mario » 31.10.2011, 21:24

Hey RPG drivers!

The Bionic Gaming Clan (BNC) presents the 2nd RPG Week with much fun, big prices and new Maps!Image

Informations and Rules:


If you want to participate at the Cup just write your Name + Acc in the following Thread: Registration

The Event is from Thursday, 10. November to Sunday, 20. November.

Start is at 9 pm. (UTC +1)

Every day at 21pm a new Map starts and everyone can hunt it for 24 hours.



1. Place: 10.000 Coppers + Gold Tag + Carskin + 32 slot Server all inclusive, for 3 Month - sponsered by Xtreme Fusion (XF)
2. Place: 8.000 Coppers + Silver Tag + Carskin
3. Place: 6.000 Coppers + Bronce Tag + Carskin
4. Place: 4.000 Coppers + Bronce Tag
5. Place: 2.000 Coppers + Bronce Tag

2 Random Players win 1.000 Coppers.


1. 8.000 Coppers + Gold Tag
2. 5.000 Coppers + Silver Tag
3. 3.000 Coppers + Bronce Tag
4. Bronce Tag
5. Bronce Tag

The Prices go higher with donations :P

Point Systeme

The Best 20 Times per Map become points in the MotoGP+5 Systeme:

  1. 30
  2. 25
  3. 21
  4. 18
  5. 16
  6. 15
  7. 14
  8. 13
  9. 12
  10. 11
  11. 10
  12. 9
  13. 8
  14. 7
  15. 6
  16. 5
  17. 4
  18. 3
  19. 2
  20. 1
At the End of the Cup the Best 7 Points per player will count together, so every player can be absent for 3 Maps ;)

Just registered Players count!

Mapbuilder dont count on their own Map.


The Tracks are all new made for the Cup, maybe known from Betatests.

The Trackbuilders are:

  1. Arriopolis & Niielmania
  2. Bax
  3. Fanatik-Dedmick
  4. Housekeepr
  5. Igntul
  6. Khor
  7. Kill-Evil
  8. MaC
  9. Moplys
  10. Nunquam
  11. PCC
  12. Popgun
  13. Shortz
  14. Trunks
  15. Worms

But just 10 maps will played.

BNC Members just play for fun and dont count.

This are the Main Things. Let us know about questions and comments from u.

Have Fun :lol:
Last edited by Mario on 07.11.2011, 05:47, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby PCC_NS » 01.11.2011, 10:46

how the maps will be chosen?
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Postby Shortz » 01.11.2011, 13:14

gl & hf with that cup, I
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Postby trunks_11 » 01.11.2011, 13:54

well, same here :D gl all
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Postby Mario » 01.11.2011, 16:37

PCC wrote:how the maps will be chosen?

Like the last time. We decided on our own (The head of RPG Squad of BNC). We look at MT, Track, Storyfeeling etc.
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Postby Nunquam » 01.11.2011, 18:34

Good luck everybody :thumbup:
Last edited by Nunquam on 01.11.2011, 18:34, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Igntul » 01.11.2011, 19:04

:rolleyes: finally
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Postby Brainmaster » 03.11.2011, 20:41

Oh nice! I'll be there watching! :D
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Postby Nunquam » 03.11.2011, 20:54

I didn't really follow last time, so how are the tracks revealed, we know our position when the track is played or we know it before ? (Just to know when we can release on TMX :) )
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Postby Niiel-Moo » 04.11.2011, 14:12

Nunquam wrote:I didn't really follow last time, so how are the tracks revealed, we know our position when the track is played or we know it before ? (Just to know when we can release on TMX :) )
Yeah, that was my question too.
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Postby Mario » 04.11.2011, 15:45

We dont say anything before the contest starts. Everytime the Map skips at 9pm its a surprise which map comes ;) and u can publish the map direktly when the map will be played.
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Postby Nunquam » 04.11.2011, 17:38

But will the dedi counts if we release on TMX after the track is added on the server ?
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Postby Mario » 04.11.2011, 18:24

Nunquam wrote:But will the dedi counts if we release on TMX after the track is added on the server ?
ofc, if u dont change things in the map
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Postby Nunquam » 04.11.2011, 18:31

Cool then :)
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Postby Shortz » 04.11.2011, 19:08

maybe pm the mapper here on the board mario if his map got selected, cause I think not everyone is 24/7 online, like booby. ^^
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Postby Mario » 07.11.2011, 05:47

Price for first Place is now higher (32 slot Server all inclusive, for 3 Month - sponsered by Xtreme Fusion (XF))
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Postby Niiel-Moo » 09.11.2011, 15:45

What will be the add_favourite link?
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Postby Shortz » 09.11.2011, 19:25

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Postby PCC_NS » 16.11.2011, 07:11

mappers remaining to pass:

[s]Arriopolis & Niielmania[/s]
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Postby Mario » 20.11.2011, 21:30

Okay Guys! The Cup is over and here are the Final Results of the Cup:



Congratulations for the Winners!

The Prices are the following:


1. Place: Dawe.esu<< wins: 11.700 Coppers + Gold Tag + Carskin + 32 slot Server all inclusive, for 3 Month - sponsered by Xtreme Fusion (XF)
2. Place: nom
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Postby trunks_11 » 20.11.2011, 21:30

Congratulations all, awesome last day! :D
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Postby / Simon / » 20.11.2011, 21:46

it was a nice cup !! :) Congratulation for winners !!
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Postby Nunquam » 20.11.2011, 21:51

Thank you again for this cup Mario !
I would like to make a little statement, as I know Shortz is going to post something, the content of which I approve for the most part, but still :

- I found all the tracks really nice, yet I saw a lot of people complaining about HouseKeepR's one, it was personally one of my favourites of the competition !
- I saw a lot of people complaining about the choice of the tracks : I can't disagree, of course I didn't deserve to win at all and was surprised as I was sure popgun would win, of course Shortz track was the best, all you want more. But think about it : try to make your own top10, you'll see we'll almost all have different results. So again this selection is based on a subjective factor, I don't think this is what matters the most, because the popularity of a track won't come from the rank it got imo.
- The most important point : I didn't choose to win. It's not my fault, so I was very disappointed to see some people blaming it on my track, but even more on me. In more than 2 years playing, it's the first time I see people I don't know anything about insulting me and talking to me rudely, just because "my track suxx". I'm sorry but can't you act in a mature way ? I'm not known for getting angry for nothing, as I said to ign when we argued some months before, in the beginning I played I didn't even talk, just said hello and that was it. I don't come on a game to have stupid debates with even more stupid people. I was really hurt but the useless attacks I had this morning and this useless argue I had with some players (ZiZa [the French one] especially). It's easy to make your friends join your side. It's less easy to be objective. In order to resume : they said my track was shitty, which I didn't care, the main problem was that they repeated it every single minute and I started getting annoyed (and I can tell you it's already hard to get me annoyed). When they started saying the organization was shit and Mario was not a good cup-maker of course I took his defense, not because my track has won, and so they started a real, and it's not only an illustration, a real lynching against me, all French players against the French map-maker. 10 against one, very easy to decide who wins. How disappointing, really. Again I have nothing against TaF team, but come on, even people I liked (which is even more wounding) started to insult me or calling me a fool because I was defending my track and the competition. What I just say is that you can't say "this track suxx" (that's not what they say, they said it was "shit", but so...). The best way to express your mind, which is what you're in right to do I'm not a "dictator" like you called me, is to say "I don't like this track", which is how I always acted when a track didn't belong to me. Telling the entire world a track is shit in front of the author or even in his back is just a stupid and useless provocation. About the competition, as I told you and it's the same about the track, try to make such a thing, and we'll compare afterwards. People told there was no work on my track, no blockmix. Yes, it's true, popgun's track is better here, shortz and igntul should have been before me, again I totally agree, I would have preferred rank 5 or 6. But come on, I can't stop saying it : I USE CHALLENGE EDIT. Unlimited never worked on my computer, nobody tried to help me when I asked for it so I just left the idea to use it one day. I just can't be competitive anymore about that. So look at the track again, all those mixes you can't see and took me hours to make, that would have been easy with that program. Have some respect, it's not hard. It's too easy to criticize brainlessly, but try to have a fair statement now. About the fact that the track is too easy, it's a compliment to me. Mappers today seemed to forgot that easy tracks can exist, so "noobs" can finish too.
So yeah I'm really but really disappointed and sad about that last day. A cup should be a funny event, not an event where guys spend their days criticizing the mappers, blaming the organizers and looking for conflicts. I won't make a generalization, but some people just spent all day on tracks complaining about them, you could leave. Really you could. You knew there were way better drivers than you, so if you didn't have fun, you could go out. Of course (less) other people had fun and just raced and attacked time, had funny and decent conversations on the chat, but not everybody, sadly.
I really just write it because I never looked for any conflict on TM. Except a little event I had with igntul, never on Earth have I ever had rude argues with anybody, in real life or on TM. I'm someone always kind with people, ready to help them. Telling everybody, all your clan or I don't know what that I'm brainless and a big hater is just unfair. It's just a game, keep that in mind.
- Congratulations to Dawe for having won the cup I think he deserved it and at least here there's no question of subjectivity, skills have talked !
- Goodbye to igntul we'll miss you ;( ....

u mad ?
Last edited by Nunquam on 20.11.2011, 22:31, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby nom² » 20.11.2011, 21:55

y u no explain urself on the internet! welcome to online gaming :shit:
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Postby Shortz » 20.11.2011, 22:07

haters gonna hate & lovers gonna love.
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