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New mod, low framerate

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New mod, low framerate

Postby JumperJack » 08.09.2011, 06:10


I've recently made my very first mod, "MarsMod" (for my very first RPG ^^). It's not completely finished yet, there're still some textures and minor problems which have to be fixed, but nevertheless there's an issue that's bothering me a bit...

Yesterday, I asked Igntul to test my mod, and for some reason, he gets framerates around 15 on all tracks with this mod, even though he normally gets framerates of around 60-70 with similar tracks and different mods. The weird thing is, though, that I normally get an average framerate of 70 on heavy RPGs, and it's really not a single framerate less with my MarsMod... ?(

Therefore I'd like to ask if some people could have a look at my mod, to see if they get these extremely low framerates as well.

And if so, I'd like to ask whether someone knows a fix for this problem? ;)

A downloadlink to my mod: MarMod

Thank you in advance!

Last edited by JumperJack on 10.09.2011, 06:35, edited 3 times in total.
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Postby moi57 » 08.09.2011, 09:21

Hey JJ

Maybe its the size of your mod the probleme, 52Mo is abit too much. You should shut-down the size of mod by deleting the useless things;

1) all StadiumWarpFlag (A to X) ,the texture on StadiumWarpFlag look fuck-up for me > Image

2) In Mood you did the 4 Moods, i think u should let in your mod only 1 Mood.
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Postby JumperJack » 08.09.2011, 11:41

wokey thanks for the tip. :)

just curious, but did you experience a low framerate as well?

edit: just checked, but all the flags together are just around 200 KB in total, and three of the four moods together just 3,5 MB. all in all, the mod would be around 48 MB in the end, not that much less...
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Postby PCC_NS » 08.09.2011, 12:20

I think is a problem with mood

because I have the same texture on my car, on the glass of car
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Postby JumperJack » 08.09.2011, 12:27

uhh ?(

what do you mean exactly, i don't quite understand?
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Postby HawkGer » 08.09.2011, 13:20

I'm not noticing any framerate drop at all. If I had to guess I too would choose the moods folder as the cause of this problem. PCC probably means the EnvCube maps? But can't see anything wrong with them..
Maybe just let Igntul test the moods folder by removing it and seeing if there is any change in fps ;)
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Postby JumperJack » 08.09.2011, 13:50

ah that's a great idea i'll ask him that!! :D

i'll keep you posted. ;)
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Postby trunks_11 » 08.09.2011, 16:16

moi57 wrote:2) In Mood you did the 4 Moods, i think u should let in your mod only 1 Mood.

Why? There's no probleme to set all 4 moods into the mod, but you got to take the right name for it. I don
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Postby JumperJack » 11.09.2011, 08:22

alright, i've changed a couple of things. igntul hasn't yet tested deleting the moods-folders, so i've kept them. the new version is downloadable here: MarsMod

i still wonder, apart from hawkger, how you guys experience the mod (do you have framerate drops or is everything normal for you?)

also, a small question. i changed the image of the moon in the night, sunrise and sunset folders (moon.tga), but it still displays the normal moon ingame. is that image not editable or so?
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Postby Igntul » 11.09.2011, 10:02

okay i tried that now, deleted all moods but sunset, and on the other moods no lags, on sunset mood still crazy fps, probably a little better than before, but still almost unplayable.. :(
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Postby HawkGer » 11.09.2011, 11:21

that's good. Now you only have to identify the texture that is causing this. Maybe start by deleting the EnvCubic maps.

for the moon, I don't know if it is editable. But would surprise me if not. It is editable in all the other TM Environments and Canyon. Does it have an alpha channel? Then you have to save it with 32 bit.
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Postby JumperJack » 11.09.2011, 11:39

well i've deleted all uncommon textures from the moods sections (ambient light etc), and uploaded a new version. would be great if you (ign) could see if it's still laggy, even without deleting any of the mood-folders. ;)

download the MarsMod

edit: yes i saved the moon with alpha channel in 32 bits tga, but it just doesn't appear. but honestly i can live without a moon if this new version (also without moon) does not cause low framerates anymore. :D
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Postby JumperJack » 13.09.2011, 17:49

i just spoke to Igntul, and he has no framerate issues at all anymore. Thanks for your help, and you'll see the mod officially releasing as soon as my first RPG track is done! ;)
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