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Getting abused by admin rights.

Postby nom² » 09.09.2011, 14:55

musti the thing is ure trying to act serious about a theme everyone just laughs about :)
we became admins cuz of being nice respectful and other stuff we dont have to do anymore cuz we are admins now and ur not :hi:
nobody liked u from the beginning
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Postby mustiej70 » 09.09.2011, 14:59

What details do you want from me?
It's all in the first post.
And I answered all normal neutral post of you guys.
This is the forum.. You guys can't be serious here too?
Where is the world going?
Is it my fault now?
I feel like I'm talking to a hopeless Community here.

Trollmode on: No fucking shit the RPG or this forum is so fucking inactive.
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Postby Igntul » 09.09.2011, 15:00

details :)

i still remember the first day when i met you, we were playing detroit on pixelsport, you joined like a normal unknown guy, no one probably ever saw you before(atleast on pixel, don't know about other servers), you started playing, and spam-raging at the map. it makes no difference to me if it was my map or another guy's map, but the fact is that you, unknown guy, start insulting the map and some players.. so sturmo started warning, and you didn't stop, he ignored you, and you kept pming me to be unignored, after a while i unignored you, and what happens? you start acting like before again... we spent all the day trying to make you understand that you had to stop, but you didn't, so after a few days, :banned:
and by the way, this was only a few months ago, not 1,5 years ago like you said on the first post
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Postby mustiej70 » 09.09.2011, 15:05

Igntul wrote:

i still remember the first day when i met you, we were playing detroit on pixelsport, you joined like a normal unknown guy, no one probably ever saw you before(atleast on pixel, don't know about other servers), you started playing, and spam-raging at the map. it makes no difference to me if it was my map or another guy's map, but the fact is that you, unknown guy, start insulting the map and some players.. so sturmo started warning, and you didn't stop, he ignored you, and you kept pming me to be unignored, after a while i unignored you, and what happens? you start acting like before again... we spent all the day trying to make you understand that you had to stop, but you didn't, so after a few days,
and by the way, this was only a few months ago, not 1,5 years ago like you said on the first post
For you it was a few months ago.. Because I never knew you or Ziza.
Why would I PM you if I don't know you?
But do you remember this?
I was so OVERSARCASTICLY insulting the map. Without knowing the author.
Out of the sudden it was you.
The chat laughed How was a I ignored? How did I PM'ed you?
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Postby Clith » 09.09.2011, 15:08

Aww Mustie you seem a little mad
Please keep it up, I can't stop laughing at this thread
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Postby Igntul » 09.09.2011, 15:09

what? you can PM while you are ignored, and you know this better than i do
as i said the point isn't that the author was me, but that you went acting like one who plays on this server since forever and knows every single player, while you were just like any other noob who normally joins the server, cant find cp1, and quits.
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Postby mustiej70 » 09.09.2011, 15:15

I'm on both servers for over 1.5years.
Do you have memory issues or something.
I didn't know YOU only.
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Postby ZiZa » 09.09.2011, 15:18

you either are using another login and didnt spam all the time or you are just lying, because you are not 1.5 years on pixel! you even told me you just started playing RPG a few months ago... but thats just you... telling pure crap all the time
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Postby mustiej70 » 09.09.2011, 15:23

Footler Knows me a while.
I was inactive for 2 months.
And now I'm active again.
Ziza.. Speak for yourself.

What is going on with you guys?
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Postby ZiZa » 09.09.2011, 15:26

ok, enought. You're not getting anywhere with this discussion, that's why i'm out of it, since this is a pure waste of time... you did what you did and wont be able to change it all of a sudden, atleast you wont change in my view...
ziza out
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Postby Igntul » 09.09.2011, 15:26

you were playing on unlimited since 1,5 years? ok
but not on pixel, and you said "both servers"
if you played on pixel since so long, we would have made this therad 1 year ago
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Postby beep » 09.09.2011, 15:31

I never seen you on H RPG!!

and boring yesterday on the server
(ask to be admin!! OO) ...
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Postby mustiej70 » 09.09.2011, 15:37

I'm banned on kacklappen RPG server.
I joined today and I asked everyone nicely to stop discussing in-game but do it in the forums.
Igntul did.
What did I do?
Igntul please the word is on you.
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Postby Igntul » 09.09.2011, 15:40

you got banned for 30 seconds, what a drama :OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
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Postby Tabasco » 09.09.2011, 16:21

I dont read all, because i see 7 sites :lol:

I am only interested in post 1:

I demanding an explanation for this and also a direct unban for both channels.

Nobody demanding here anything, remember that for the future.
We are a community for RPG not a political board.

When you get a bann ask why and we look about the problem and for a solution

But this is somewhat exaggerated.

And when you make this kind of thread you dont must wondering that players are kidding you on the server.

After this its funny to make some jokes about you.
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Postby mustiej70 » 09.09.2011, 16:24

But it's not.
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Postby Tabasco » 09.09.2011, 16:29

What is not, clarified ?
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Postby rabbes » 09.09.2011, 16:51

:( Have to go to the toilet.
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Postby mustiej70 » 09.09.2011, 16:58

Tabasco wrote:
What is not, clarified ?
It is not funny.
So you guys could aswell answer on a mature way.
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Postby Tabasco » 09.09.2011, 17:13

Sure its not funny but why you dont make this big thread?

The only one i see is that, that you are not agree the vote and and and and.....................

I have the problem too.

I play maps for a long time and suddenly i see a vote and map is over.

Thats game.

Dont discuss decisions coming from players.

Have fun.
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Postby trunks_11 » 09.09.2011, 19:00

What the hell is wrong with you? Today i wrote something about you and then i thought everything is clear for you... That was site 2.. I wanted to close then because you can only understand if you read what we say more, and this bord is not, like tabasco said, to cry and ask othre ppl these things. Yes you can pm them, but ... well try to understand, will we close this before we get 20 sites tomorrow?
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Postby dose » 09.09.2011, 21:44

a simple thing I can tell you

Turn off chat , keep it quiet, and do what your suppose to do there: PLAY ;)


OMG , 8 page for this stupid "why do they dont love me", sorry but this 8 page is soooo funny to read .
I could help myself LOL

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Postby trunks_11 » 09.09.2011, 23:14

Yes dose, it's annoying. Would be awesome if mustiej puts the chat off. He just started to tell us his life storys, that his chefs are calling, he plays half nacked tm, .... Who The Hell is interested in that? We say him stop to talk about your life, we don't want to help... He says Fuck you... Hasn't he over problemes? He wants that we don't hate him? Impossible in that case Image
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Postby PCC_NS » 10.09.2011, 01:19

and today I kick this player on PCC Cup
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