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Tossha's Interview

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Tossha's Interview

Postby Promaxer » 23.07.2011, 14:21

Hello comunitty, im bringing you another interview,
The interviewed this time is Tossha, the TrackStudio creator, i thought it whould be nice to bring you some awnsers from him, since almost all the nice known map creators use TS, one more thing...


As a well known 3D modeler, what did you wanted do bring to trackmania when you started creating TrackStudio?
Well, as a modeler my goal was to create exactly the same looking of your tracks in TM and in TS, so i had to be extremely accurate while making those models. You know, it is the first representation of trackmania models outside the game, so i wanted it to be good-looking, but i had to reduce its quality due to performance reasons. So: i just wanted to bring a good alternative of track displaying and to approach to TM's quality as close as possible.

P.S. And please don't forget that 80% of models are made by HawkGer, not by me. I just developed the algorithm.

Do you enjoy seeing your blockmixing way in RPG's?
Of course i do! I'm very glad to see my tool is useful!

Where did you get the idea to create TrackStudio?
In my head, (my brain, if i have one)

How did you get the idea to create TrackStudio?
Actually i'm still wondering why nobody created something like TS before. The idea itself was obvious for me: just a visual track editor. We all know that in-game editor is not perfect, you can't even move a block in it. So i've been thinking of alternative since i first created a TrackMania challenge (long time ago, it was TMN ESWC). And when i found out about blockmixing i was surprised again, but actually i was sure that some tool for visual handy track editing will come soon.
And after some waiting i've started to look for the way to get block models, it was the only real problem. And then, step by step, i've worked out a complicated way to get them from TM to TS using 3D Ripper DX. Well, you asked about the idea ^^ So: i was on 3CP of Metropolis when i thought that it is possible to get models with 3DRipper and make an editor using them.

Why did you get the idea to create TrackStudio?
Because i just love to create stuff: programs and tracks particularly. :)

When do you think you will release TrackStudio final version?Will it cost money?

I don't think there will be a "final" version. I can update it forever :) And no, it will never cost money, it rather will be opensource^^ But actually i have some problems with TS now. My HD is broken and data recovery costs about $300 or more. I don't want to spend so much money for it. I have a warranty in the shop where i bought it, they can repare it but they doesn't guarantee the data safety. So i think i'll take a risk :S Otherwise i'll lose almost all TS sources. I have a backup, but an old one.

Anyway, it's hard to tell if people will still need TrackStudio after the release of TM2 and it is the main problem of TS (and of my motivation :) ). So i think i'll wait for TM2 and see if i can make some tool for it, don't know about TS.

What was your first thought/impression when you started playing TM?
"Oh My God! The idea of bulding a track with blocks is just perfect! You can get infinite number of tracks with infinite number of tricks!"

Do you have any big plans for future TS updates?
It totally depends on TM2. If TM2 will need a tool like TS, i'll probably make a new one or update TS for TM2 support. I don't think there will be any big updates of TS for TMF, but maybe i'll think about it if TMF will save its popularity after TM2 release.

Tell us about your first received feedback about TS, was it positive or negative?

Yeah, it was totally positive. I was very glad people like my creation and it gave me a good motivaton. Of course there was some critique, but it was more like suggestions. Mostly good suggestions, for which I am grateful. Foe example, aXu suggested to load textures directly from TM folder (it is a great idea since it gives the ability of mod supporting in future), McBain suggested backups, Boogs described some small handy functions which then appeared in full version.

Do you have any suggestion for RPG track creators?
Don't overmix.

What does RPG mean for you?

For me RPG track is firstly a challenging track, and this is what i love in RPG. Well, i have a bad english vocabulary for answering such a question :P But RPG is a huge part of the whole TM with its own fans and community. I'd call it a separate genre of racing simulators.
I started playing TM a long time ago, it was TMN ESWC, so i played on standart speed/fun tracks. But TM for me is almost similar to RPG after i first met an RPG track, so i love this genre very much. :)

Are you interested in the upcoming TM?
What a question :D Well, YES i am, as we all are :) And one of the interesting things for me: what defects will it have so i can fix it by providing some tools :P But anyways, i hope TM2 will be ideal without me :)


"Now I want to thank Promaxer for a good interview and for providing a good way tell something to the whole community. I hope it was interesting."


Hope you enjoyed!
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Postby Shortz » 23.07.2011, 15:16

nice work promaxer and lovely interview guest :>
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Postby dose » 23.07.2011, 16:49

good work Promaxer!!

Always nice to hear about other RPG Player this way ^^
and tossha much thx to this wonderfull work you did with TS !!
Im always amazed to see people playing with algorithm.don't understand a thing ^^
keep the good ideals comming, and I hope tm2 gets bug so you can come out with a new prog or something !!

Btw: how come everytime I start TS it always asking me to set the TM folder, even if I just did it 5 minutes before ?

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Postby eie » 23.07.2011, 21:59

Nice interview, and thanks to tossha for his creation, even though I'm quite old fashioned myself and still mostly use CE xD, but I can see it have helped a lot other builders to blockmix.

anyways, thanks to Promaxer too, for making the interview =)
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Postby Promaxer » 24.07.2011, 20:13

Thanks for all your comments guys, im trying to get another interview up before august!
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Postby Guest » 24.07.2011, 21:38

tanks for the intervien.
:love: tossa

Postby Igntul » 25.07.2011, 22:04

Can you answer another question? Do you hate that unlimiter pratically took away the most of the awesomeness of TS, which is now used only for a few kind of mixes?
probably the thing i appreciate the most on tracks since unlimiter came is when i see TS\CE mixes, so keep using it guys, dont be so lazy to make tracks with unlimiter only, I (i think it's a builders-opinion) prefere to see that a track got a lot of work rather than seeing something great but made in a day..
dirt hills ftw :p

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Postby Shortz » 26.07.2011, 13:37

Iggy I build my tracks with tmunlimiter & TS, for some mixes TS is just awesome :)
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Postby Guest » 27.07.2011, 11:32

ts is nice and some and i can add bloks so i dont need to add in editor if i want immediately put the block, per example i mix water whit air and i want put something to go to the invisible road is nice using ts

Postby rossi94 » 21.08.2011, 14:04

Well done we want more of this :P
Why so serious? :chainsaw:
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Postby trunks_11 » 23.08.2011, 12:02

Igntul wrote:
Can you answer another question? Do you hate that unlimiter pratically took away the most of the awesomeness of TS, which is now used only for a few kind of mixes?
probably the thing i appreciate the most on tracks since unlimiter came is when i see TS\CE mixes, so keep using it guys, dont be so lazy to make tracks with unlimiter only, I (i think it's a builders-opinion) prefere to see that a track got a lot of work rather than seeing something great but made in a day..
dirt hills ftw :p
Yes, keep on using TS and CE, TmUnlimiter is a bit too easy... but i hate dirthills :S
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