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loading pics(solved)

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loading pics(solved)

Postby Guest » 07.05.2011, 12:43


i'm building a rpg track and i've added some pics to make it look better but i don't know how to make them loading on other pcs when it'll be finished...

could someone explain me how plz :hmm:
Last edited by Guest on 07.05.2011, 18:33, edited 1 time in total.

Postby popgun » 07.05.2011, 14:32

Make your images 1024x512 pixels or smaller in that ratio i.e. 512x256, 256x128 etc. I save mine as .jpg

Upload them to a file hosting service or web space you have. If a file host, make sure they give instant access to the files and NOT one that makes you wait to download it.

In track mania place a sign block and choose the painter icon to choose what type of sign it is. Now, instead of choosing a sign
choose 'Select URL' and then type in the link to the sign from your web host.

The full link is needed ie 'http://www.webhost.com/signs/myimage.jpg' or whatever.

Validate the track and save it, and the sign will be downloaded for everyone ingame from then on. :)

For bigger images, just chop your picture up and use more signs

Loads of mods, loads of tracks. Look em up. :)
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Postby Guest » 07.05.2011, 15:23

thank you :D
but i think i could find it by myself :lol:
"In track mania place a sign block and choose the painter icon to choose what type of sign it is. Now, instead of choosing a sign
choose 'Select URL' and then type in the link to the sign from your web host."

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