Hey guys. Hokiebird here. I just joined the site to keep track of when Ziza's Round Races are. Thought I'd introduce myself. Most of you know me by now, but if not, I'm a Trackmaniac and a big fan of RPG. I'm still a bit noobish at the more difficult tracks, and really only post competitive times on beginner-intermediate ones. I often don't even bother hunting records due to the monotony. Top 5 Favorite Tracks are
1)Abandoned Factory
3)Abou Simbel 2
4)Labyrinth 2
5)The Great Escape
I prefer longer tracks over shorter ones, unless of course, the length is due to extreme difficulty. Not a fan of trials. If you're looking for me, you can usually find me on the UNC servers, RPG Unlimited, Pixelsport RPG, Heavens RPG, and Kacklappen RPG. See ya online!