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I need help and suggestions with my first RPG

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I need help and suggestions with my first RPG

Postby Numberplay » 12.02.2011, 19:28

Hi. I'm currently working on a RPG using TMunlimiter and i'M satisfied with what i have done until now. You can try this map here, i've uploaded it : http://www.trackmania-rpg.com/index.php?page=DownloadDBData&dataID=187
It's possible to finish it. I don't know if it's possible to watch my validation though (but it took me 30 minutes with a lot of retrying).

There's no mod, no mediatracking, my validation sucks, I don't know if the route is clear enough, etc. So what i need is suggestion for almost everything. Is there places that seems too challenging or not enough? Is it too short (for those pro enough to finish it in 5 minutes)? What kind of mod would fit in my track (i don't even know how to add a mod :whistling: )? Should i add a GPS (or many)? I would also appreciate help in making replays for the mediatracking (when there will be a mod).
Posts: 3
Joined: 12.02.2011, 18:46

Postby Igntul » 12.02.2011, 21:20

I didn't play your map yet, i will tomorrow maybe, but i can say: no GPS, pathfinding is one of the most important features of RPG, don't kill it.

You don't need to make Mediatrackering for your first map unless you have some experience with Non RPG maps, it is quite hard to learn and you should focus on tricks and scenery now..

and if you think 5 min is doable for pros..
1) make a better autor time! when a map have such a bad autor time players think the builder is a noob and they might get a bad first impression of the track
2) make the map longer^^ i don't like such short tracks as many others don't, 8-10 min is the most prefered lenght from RPG players but i still have to see...

comment will be edited when i try it
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Postby Numberplay » 13.02.2011, 18:02

I plan on trying my map until i get a good validation to see if it's actually doable in 5 minutes (that is just an estimation) but what i think would be a priority now is to find a mod and add scenery.
Posts: 3
Joined: 12.02.2011, 18:46

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