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Multiple ghosts in one clip

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Multiple ghosts in one clip

Postby realh » 18.12.2010, 23:17

I want to add a corridor with walls that close in. In case I can't create/get a model the size of the entire corridor I would need to create at least 14 ghosts to make the effect work all the way along my corridor! Is it possible to import that many ghosts into one clip? There certainly isn't room for that many in the list view in the editor, but maybe scroll bars will appear? I guess there must be some way otherwise it wouldn't have been possible to create those videos with hundreds of cars.

Is it possible to make the same ghost appear at different locations at the same time? If I have to use a separate ghost for every block in my moving walls it will be virtually impossible to make them all move at exactly the same speed to look like one wall. I can't simply hold forward because they need to mvoe slowly.
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Postby -|MfG|-Big Alâ„¢ » 19.12.2010, 09:26

sure you can import one ghost many times, but for each position you need a seperate ghost. and the longer the time of ghost, the larger yourtrack gets. in the editor there will appear a sign to turn page over to next site of mt-lines when you have more than one page.
but: be carefull, check yout tracksize after every imported ghost, cos when your track is larger than 256kb it can
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Postby moi57 » 19.12.2010, 14:50

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Postby trunks_11 » 19.12.2010, 15:11

yes you can put 1500 replays and also 10.000 , but it will lag for players and will be unplayable on servers
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Postby realh » 19.12.2010, 16:22

Thanks Big Al. Looks like the alternative plan I wanted to try is definitely the way to go, ie make one huge model for each wall.

PS I tried Omaha Beach once, looked fantastic, but too hard for me :(
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Postby Promaxer » 19.12.2010, 17:14

Thanks Big Al.

I dont see big al on this thread :pillepalle:
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Postby -|MfG|-Big Alâ„¢ » 19.12.2010, 18:09

@moi&trunks, this is maybe possible to play offline, but not online if the tracksize gets bigger than 256kb!
@pro: post#2 ;)
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-|MfG|-Big Alâ„¢
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Postby Promaxer » 19.12.2010, 18:53

:zombie: maybe im smoking to much weed :phatgrin:
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Postby trunks_11 » 19.12.2010, 19:32

[quote='-|MfG|-Big Al
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Postby realh » 20.01.2011, 22:52

[quote='-|MfG|-Big Al
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Postby realh » 25.01.2011, 14:39

That's good news, because the editor compresses the data when it saves, making it roughly half the size of uncompressed. ChallengeEdit saves without compressing which is why it's needed by some of the other bmx tools which can't read the compressed format. ChallengeEdit and TM itself can read either format.
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