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Making a large moving wall

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Making a large moving wall

Postby realh » 18.12.2010, 22:52

I want to create an effect of walls closing in from the sides of a corridor. I could use something based on sol666's block model but as the corridor is 7 blocks long and 2 high and they have to move slowly it would be difficult to keep so many ghosts in sync to look like one wall. So I want to create one model based on pasting 7x2 blocks together. The trouble is I haven't used Blender or 3ds max before and I don't fully understand sol666's tutorial on creating oversized models. Can anyone help?
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Joined: 18.12.2010, 21:51

Postby rossi94 » 21.07.2011, 22:31

Ask someone who can do the job for you, mayby sol666, sebik1992, stromek or post a request into the Trackmania Carpark forum.
Why so serious? :chainsaw:
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Postby trunks_11 » 22.07.2011, 12:26

and if you can
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