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What do you hate about building RPG's? (POLL)

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What do you hate about building RPG's? (POLL)

Postby eie » 11.12.2010, 22:19

I thought it was time for another poll :D
So just say what you hate about it; and if I've forgot something, please tell me so I can add the selection to the poll^^
you can chose up to 6 things you hate (if you need more, I might increase that number)

Edit: you happy now, Igntul?
Last edited by eie on 12.12.2010, 13:23, edited 3 times in total.
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Postby Igntul » 12.12.2010, 07:32

1. Validating the track :D you can understand why, it's so painfull to play my own maps..^^ (but that's not always a pain... :p)

2. Making a good start... I have got a track-folder with millions of tracks having only start + cp1.. and i still don't like the start of the most of my tracks^^

3. Getting a good soundtrack... I always spend 2-3 days searching on youtube for something which REALLY fits, tho making movie-inspired tracks fixes that problem...^^

4. Making locators... It's not that boring when you know how to make them, I never make a lot of MT either so i get 10-15 locators per track, that's not really a problem... but there are no more things i hate so this is the 4th^^

making a good end.. it's not that hard, i always think about new tricks when I play maps, when i build maps myself... and then just keep the best trick i thought of for the end

blockmixing.. I don't hate to do it, thank god it's still impossible to make grass water and dirt... I hate TMUnlimiter instead, because now making mixes is too easy, and old super-mixed tracks are losing their epicness

also making a mod for your track is fun, you can see the originality not only by the tricks but also by the new and creative atmosphere..

anyway, you should add some more points such as...

getting the limit of the building area and finding out you can't place your epic trick in this epic point of the map

having no space to make your map bigger

when you finally finished your easy track and find out it's hard for everyone but you

when on a cell with many blocks mixed together you want to delete one of the blocks but it just comes deleted after all other blocks, and you have to rebuild :dash:
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Postby -|MfG|-Big Alâ„¢ » 12.12.2010, 09:39

In the begining of doing a RPG i just love it. In the end i hate almost all of the points :doofy:
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Postby Promaxer » 12.12.2010, 12:42

As for me the hardest is:
Making the start (startblock to first checkpoint)

Making a description of the track (when releasing on TMX)

Making the last checkpoint (figuring out how to make it epic)

and for the hardest i think is the MT^^
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Postby Housekeepr » 12.12.2010, 14:56

Mediatracker is soo... omg -.- im glad i got some help of D@se on the last maps... Im too noob for it.

Also on building i think that you build towards your own skills, and sincerly i consider myself still as a beginner in the rpg world...
So I sometimes have the feeling the building could be better on much points, but you dont see it yourself cause of your own skills...

I dont know how to say in words, but its like its too easy for the most, while for yourself its hard enough..
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Postby Promaxer » 12.12.2010, 15:30

yeah d@se will also help me w/ the mt for my upcoming tracks :search:
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Postby popgun » 13.12.2010, 00:00

Hi all, here's mine

1st. MT for me, but only because I've convinced myself that I don't have the time to learn it properly. Which is a lie. :|

2nd. I can't do mud hills up against walls. Even with the mud tutorials, CE, and hours spent, it ain't working. My mud is flat with lumps. Bah!

3rd . And this is the bummer. When I finish a big track and release it (especially if I spent weeks on a mod too) , when it turns up on a server I can't be bothered driving it! I prefer spectating to see what people do, and take the criticisms for what they don't like. But because I spent an awful long time testing it, it's boring to drive. It's not new and it's not interesting anymore.

When I used to host servers (long time ago) I used to run about 30 tracks a night with a fast turnover time, of which 5 would be mine (nothing wrong with a bit of self promotion ;) ) and the rest would be a mix of normally unknown authors, and a few well known authors if their tracks were good), all of them would be changed over a 3-4 day period to keep it fresh and more interesting for 'the regulars'. Point is.. everyones tracks were made quickly, were a bit rough, easily cut, and had loads of quirky things in them, and that made them really fun to drive. Nowadays it all seems so much more clinical, and I try to do it too. :huh:

Maybe I should make a really rough-arsed RPG for the fun of it, and take the criticism for it. At least I might like to play it myself online to see if I can find some cuts too. :D

4th. There needs to be a repository for mods so that my bandwidth costs ain't so high. If only there was a way to pay towards hosting mods using coppers. i.e. Download the track for free but pay 100 coppers for the mods which could be converted to real-world cash to pay for hosting costs.
Hawkgers posted recently on replacing the TM-MOD site, maybe approaching Nadeo about subbing the hosting cost for copper contributions might be worth an email. Just an idea.

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Postby Guest » 03.01.2011, 21:59

I hate the MT and the MT hates me...
That's why 90% of my tracks don't have a story :cursing:
Making the locators is already a challenge for me ;(

Finding a name for the just finished track is ****** ,well, it's not my favorite part of building a Rpg.

But all the other parts of building a Rpg are great, i think :D

Postby Kryw » 03.01.2011, 22:29

i hate just builders who make trial track called "rpg" just funny...
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Postby Tyroc » 27.02.2011, 14:11

I hate validating my tracks. I just HATE it.
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Postby eXtreme34 » 06.03.2011, 08:52

Kryw wrote:i hate just builders who make trial track called "rpg" just funny...

I agree with you, Kryw. I have a good RPG experience, and I know what is an RPG and what is not.

When I judge that my map is not a RPG, i call it Trial. RPG is only where there's an atmosphere and an adventure and... of course a mod, to explicit the atmosphere. Else it is a Trial.

I've created some Trial tracks on United environments (and Stadium of course) so I have my own idea.

I also find RPG boring to create it. I work on an Enigma RPG like Rafale's track and I don't really know what to do.
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