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[RPG] EimerTest (beta track)

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[RPG] EimerTest (beta track)

Postby -DasEimer- » 22.05.2010, 10:58

Hey all (:

Here is my new beta track.
Please write your opinoin about it down here.

GL and HF !


Edit: Mod: http://www.robertosfly.com/app/download/1328067316/Tchernostad.zip
Last edited by -DasEimer- on 22.05.2010, 16:01, edited 4 times in total.
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Postby HawkGer » 22.05.2010, 12:49

Hmm there seems to be no mod locator. And the mod you worked with I never heard of (file="Skins\Stadium\Mod\Tchernostad.zip").
So maybe you could fix that or give us a link to the mod. Wouldn't like to drive without a mod ^^
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Postby HawkGer » 22.05.2010, 15:29

Alright I tested and finished the track. Finished only technically as I drove through the finishline without having taken all CP's. Apparently I forgot CP 6 and 7. After CP5 I just jumped pretty much straight forward onto some dirtblock and on a pipe. Didn't know though that I had to jump higher onto a platform. Also...at CP 19 I almost jumped straight to CP 21. There was no way I could see that I had to jump on the roof to the left. So I would recommend closing those parts with some scenery etc.
Generally the track looked a bit empty...but that is probably due to the fact that it's also pretty short. It only took me 20 minutes to reach the finish, that's definitely too short. Extending the route and thus filling some gaps in the track design would improve the track certainly.

Also on another note I would like to know if you made the mod or someone else. It's a good mod but clearly the textures StadiumRoadCircuitBorder.dds and StadiumCircuitD.dds are missing and I would say you definitely should try adding them in a fashion like the other textures.

Hope you will take those things into consideration and improve the track. Maybe give an update here once you are finished ;)
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Postby Vklf » 07.06.2010, 21:09

Eimer I did your track on testserver yesterday (you were there so you alrdy know :p)
and I finished it in 54 minutes if i remember correctly :)

Nice and challenging track :)

And reading Hawks reply in this post, I guess that the version on testserver was updated, why don't you upload the updated version here. (ppl might test the wrong version)
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