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RPG blog 2009 statistics

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RPG blog 2009 statistics

Postby RPG-BLOG.bot » 30.12.2009, 21:06

Since we're heading into a new year, after celebrating RPG's 1 year anniversary, I figured it would be nice with some statistics from the blog, to sum it all up:
(Note: these numbers are from 30th December)

Since we opened the blog back in August, there has been <strong>50 032</strong> pageviews from <strong>20 805</strong> visits. The day with the most visits was Sunday 29th November, with <strong>264</strong> visits.

The most visited pages, apart from the front page, was the mod overview page (<strong>7 598 pageviews, 15.19%</strong>), the track overview page (<strong>3 365 pageviews, 6.73%</strong> of the total pageviews) and the RPG history page (<strong>2 001 pageviews, 4.01%</strong>).

<div class="cntr"><img src="http://Anonymous.nitrolinken.net/tm/blog/newyears/visits1.png"></div>

<strong>71</strong> articles has been posted on the blog, which has received <strong>404</strong> comments (<strong>5.69</strong> comments on average per post). The post with the most comments is our <a href="http://trackmaniarpg.blogspot.com/2009/11/rpg-track-building-contest.html">RPG track building contest</a> article, with <strong>71</strong> comments.

<strong>33.19%</strong> (6 906) of the total visits came from the TMNF TMX, <strong>23.77%</strong> (4 945) came directly to the site and <strong>21.93%</strong> (4 562) came from Google.

<div class="cntr"><img src="http://Anonymous.nitrolinken.net/tm/blog/newyears/visits2.png"></div>

The Google keyword that gave the blog the most visits was "trackmania rpg" with <strong>754</strong> visits, followed by "trackmania rpg blog" with <strong>384</strong> visits and "tm rpg blog" with <strong>240</strong> visits. In total, there were <strong>1 149</strong> different search queries from Google to the blog.

There were <strong>4 834</strong> people visiting the site from Germany, <strong>2 665</strong> from France and <strong>1 956</strong> from Czech Republic. The blog had visitors from a total of <strong>71</strong> countries.

<div class="cntr"><img src="http://Anonymous.nitrolinken.net/tm/blog/newyears/visitors3.jpg"></div>

<strong>54.37%</strong> (11 317) of the visitors used Firefox, <strong>24.34%</strong> (5 066) used Internet Explorer and <strong>9.21%</strong> (1 918) used Opera.

<div class="cntr"><img src="http://Anonymous.nitrolinken.net/tm/blog/newyears/visits4.png"></div>
(Chrome has 8.92%)

The average time on the site is <strong>3 minutes and 8 seconds</strong>. On August 17th, people spent averagely <strong>10 minutes and 17 seconds</strong> on the site.

We have driven <strong>12</strong> <a href="http://trackmaniarpg.blogspot.com/2009/06/rpg-round-races.html">RPG round races</a>. HawkGer has won <strong>29</strong> rounds, Anonymous <strong>13</strong>, Klody <strong>4</strong>, MagicMan <strong>1</strong>, .max <strong>1</strong>, Minigod <strong>1</strong> and <strong>Voyager006 1</strong> rounds.

So, what do you think 2010 will bring?<div class="blogger-post-footer"><img width='1' height='1' src='https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/tracker/5666217767742007162-7244594624109170861?l=trackmaniarpg.blogspot.com' alt='' /></div><p style='margin-top:10px;'><a class='externalURL' href='http://trackmaniarpg.blogspot.com/2009/12/rpg-blog-2009.html'>weiterlesen</a>
Posts: 79
Joined: 16.04.2010, 17:13

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