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RPG Track Building Contest 2

RPG Track Building Contest 2

Postby Igntul » 02.06.2010, 19:45

Hi RPG players\builders, Hawk* and Tabasco are organizating a second edition of the RPG Track Building Contest ,and as you might know, they need a theme to use to challenge the builders and to make the competition more exciting :)

They also plained a rule: you have to use one of Hawk's new mods or one of the two Modding contest mods

But that's not enough as a theme, and they want you to propose your ideas about that.

An example is a reuse theme, and the rule now would be to build atleast 25 blocks reused 2 or more times... But there are for sure better ideas that you can tell it here ;)

Some important facts about the theme:

1. It must fit with every kind of track, fast, slow, long, short, hard or not.

2. The rule do not have to be too restricting or the map will become bad or repetitive.

3. It should be an improvement to the quality of the maps, and not something that will make them bad

When we got enough propositions, we will make a poll, and you will vote what's the one you like the best

Good luck finding a great idea :thumbsup:

*note: hawk was very busy so he asked me to write this for him :p
Last edited by Igntul on 02.06.2010, 20:01, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby eie » 02.06.2010, 21:04

what about, start-1.cp uses some kinds of blocks, and on 1.cp-1.cp you're not allowed to use the block you used from start-1.cp, and on 2.cp-3.cp you're not allowed to use the blocks used in 1.cp-2.cp
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Postby HawkGer » 02.06.2010, 22:29

That seems like a good theme. It would be challenging and would potentially make the tracks better due to the need of more variety. Some exceptions would have to be made though. Maybe excluding the whole platform section (in the editor menu) from this limitation.
I see one big problem though: What would define the blocks between two checkpoints? Probably only the blocks which you are absolutely required to pass/drive on/touch would be possible to limit on the next checkpoint. Otherwise you would have to exclude all scenery and surrounding blocks on the next checkpoint.
People could be creating alternative routes to circumvent the limitation (as then no single block is absolutely required to pass). But we could make a rule for that too.
Anyway, I'm starting to like the idea eie :)
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Postby eie » 03.06.2010, 10:45

blocks between to cps could be defined as any roadparts, and exclude scenery. I don't think this would exclude any building style =)
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Postby Igntul » 03.06.2010, 21:30

someone suggested to apply your idea on 2 cps... i really disappoint, the challenge is arleady enough hard with just applyed on one cp... so i would say to exclude from the rule the whole 6 category, and the 2-1-1 block... ring doenst count as a cp actually
that would be enough equilibrate imo...
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Postby eie » 04.06.2010, 09:49

excluding the 6 category would really make it very boring again, I think, because it's possible to make a whole rpg with just those blocks, so there should also be a rule for when you could use them.
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Postby eie » 04.06.2010, 13:35

okay another idea: each cp ought to have at least 10 blocks which isn't from the category 6 blocks?
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Postby HawkGer » 04.06.2010, 17:26

Hmm yes maybe eie is right, excluding the sixth category would be too easy. And extending the rule to 2 or more checkpoints would be too untransparent for the builder I guess.
Your second idea I don't really like that much. It would make most of the checkpoints really long and as you pointed out previously some RPG's use very little of those non-platform blocks...so this theme would exclude those building styles.

I propose another theme: Every block can only be used once every checkpoint, unless the second block is directly connected with the first block, a third block with one of those two...and so on. That means for example you could build a continuous pipe, but once you drop off the pipe you can't create a second pipe.
I think a cool addition to that rule would be to allow the placement of a second block if one leaves the first block and with no block in between touches the second block. For example: a pipe to pipe drop.

We would have to make an exception in that theme at least for the blocks 2-1-1 , 6-2-1 to 6-2-4 and 7-1-1

Tell me what you think...
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Postby heartX » 04.06.2010, 18:42


Checkpoint - platform road - (jump) - pipe - 'white blocks' - road - checkpoint?

Good idea, if I understood correctly - but I think these kind of maps are a bit boring.
Map builder needs to show his/her creativity and this rule set hard limits, I think.

My theme:
When you 'respawn' at checkpoint you need to see the next checkpoint you are taking.
1) It is good for beginners. (They can see their mission.)
2) Creative builder can turn this to a illusion :P - (so finding the route is quite hard)
3) It is quite hard to build and the theme will show builders skills.
4) It is innovative, I think.
5) Every mod suits with theme.

This is my opinion about second idea - and it isn't bad, it is quite innovative too.
Maybe you like my theme too. ^^
I hope the contest will be great.

heartX :)
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Postby DarkRiver » 05.06.2010, 08:06

My vote goes out to HeartX's theme. It would be a real challenge for builders, whitout making tracks boring or excluding any building style.
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Postby HawkGer » 05.06.2010, 10:46

HeartX: If we make an exception for some platform blocks and the basic road block it would look different to how you described it. But yeah...still kinda limiting.
I think your idea would basically limit all narrow passages, like in the traditional temples. Also I think people would be starting to build more big rooms than usual, which is something I would rather not prefer. At the moment I'm not really in the favour of any theme.. :pinch:
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Postby heartX » 05.06.2010, 19:46

No, no - you can do very small rooms and you can see next cp through the window or through the wall. (so you can use mod)

I think every builder can handle it.
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Postby >Brutal'' » 06.06.2010, 07:25

I like HeartX's idea ;) Great one indeed 8)
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Postby occam » 06.06.2010, 13:13

Igntul wrote:Hi RPG players\builders, Hawk* and Tabasco are organizating a second edition of the RPG Track Building Contest ,and as you might know, they need a theme to use to challenge the builders and to make the competition more exciting : )
2. The rule do not have to be too restricting...

since my suggestion allows two track versions, see below^ ^ only version one (white) would be restricting but read more below :- >

[quote='hawk'] wrote here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bFbMOmkW3lo
@Frostbeule I'm very glad seeing you being excited about this ^ ^
Maybe you should visit some RPG server some time to share your enthusiasm with others...I gotta warn you? though it's not easy to stay away once you tasted the sweet taste of online RPG fun xD[/quote]

i already thought yesterday for quite a while if i should suggest the following^ ^

an 'easy' theme :- >> (who could have guessed i would appreciate easy RPGs^ ^)

since you already discuss fancy rules (with restrictions for blocks to use, maybe consider the 'easy'-theme for RPG building contest #3 ^ ^
on the other hand it will be challenging to create the very first Beginner RPG (there is none yet^ ^!)

my idea how the 'easy' theme could be done:

start with an extremely easy layout --> true 'white' (A-difficulty) track, meaning:

no pipes
no ledges
no invisible roads
no anti-boosters
no ingame-MT (but an TV-like outro*
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Postby HawkGer » 06.06.2010, 14:46

I think the main reason such beginner RPG's as you have described them do not exist is because noone would really like driving them. I mean let's be frank...what would RPG be without spectacular jumps, stunts and balance parts? Your two track-version idea would be unappealing for authors I think. I can only speak for myself but once I finished a particular section I wouldn't want to go over it again once I finished the track, also due to the fact that it's very hard to re-work a section.
Nevertheless I think the basic idea of an easy-RPG theme could be used (even already in this second edition of the track contest).
Forcing builders to use "no transitions/ jumps whatsoever (if jumps only with non-broken concrete^ ^)" would be too limiting I think. But we could encourage them to do so. So my idea would be to have two separate votes for one track:
- one for the general quality of the track
- the second for the difficulty of the track

The general quality could make up 2/3 of the total points one track could gain and the difficulty evaluation 1/3. When the community decides that a track is very easy then it would get for example 10 points, a hard or very hard track 1 or 0 points.
I think this way builders would have the option to try to build a very easy track which will be rewarded in return or try to gain as much points as possible by building a harder track but which people might like better.
Of course the winner of the contest would be someone who would find a way to make an easy track which is thrilling at the same time :)
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Postby occam » 06.06.2010, 15:14

HawkGer']I think the main reason such beginner RPG's as you have described them do not exist is because noone would really like driving them[/quote]
I think the United RPG [Coast] 'A Dragons' Tale' already comes pretty close to my proposed Contest Goal, it is a United [Coast] track ... but as example for an easy RPG it suits well...i would dare to guide a true beginner through this Adventure (there is only one hard (a bit harder) jump...and i think the track would still be appealing without this jump...


'A Dragons' Tale' ( - 720p HD - 1080p HD - )

[quote='HawkGer']... two track-version idea would be unappealing for authors... wouldn't want to go over it again once I finished the track, also due to the fact that it's very hard to re-work a section[/quote]

Paul did a fantastic job (although it was the other way round...making a hard track easier...with 'Krypton wrote:
Krypton RPG light

[quote='HawkGer']Forcing builders to use "no transitions/ jumps whatsoever (if jumps only with non-broken concrete^ ^)" would be too limiting I think. But we could encourage them to do so. So my idea would be to have two separate votes for one track:
- one for the general quality of the track
- the second for the difficulty of the track

The general quality could make up 2/3 of the total points one track could gain and the difficulty evaluation 1/3. When the community decides that a track is very easy then it would get for example 10 points, a hard or very hard track 1 or 0 points.
I think this way builders would have the option to try to build a very easy track which will be rewarded in return or try to gain as much points as possible by building a harder track but which people might like better.

Sounds like a cool way to have the best of both worlds...although my two-version model might help your video idea ^ ^

it would be especially interesting to see the basic-white-track being transformed "in time-laps" ^ ^ with broken part that have to be overcome with jumps and ledges and pipes and invisible parts...it would be cool when you can show how the basic layout is transformed^ ^ but there would be really many backup-versions to show that^ ^

and probably your system is cleaner and easier...resulting in only one track-version :- )

Of course the winner of the contest would be someone who would find a way to make an easy track which is thrilling at the same time : )[/quote]

i can see the dilemma to make an super-easy track thrilling at the same time ... but i really really hope somebody will pull it off :- >

[quote='HawkGer']...Nevertheless I think the basic idea of an easy-RPG theme could be used (even already in this second edition of the track contest[/quote]

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Postby HawkGer » 06.06.2010, 16:52

Yes, A Dragon's Tale would certainly qualify as such a beginner track. One has to consider though that without all the MT it wouldn't be nearly as interesting to play. And considering that (arguably) no other RPG builder has more MT skills than Sol666 it seems like a pretty tough challenge for the average builder ^^
I favour my proposed idea for the "easy-RPG" theme at the moment for the contest. Especially because it is not as vague as all the other themes and easy to understand. I do not know however how other builders see this, so if there's any rejection please post here :)
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Postby occam » 06.06.2010, 23:25

HawkGer wrote:Yes, A Dragon's Tale would certainly qualify as such a beginner track

Yeah, it would be cool to have a similarly easy Stadium RPG though, just to ease very novice RPG players into Adventures, sol's Stadium RPGs are easy for RPGs but not compared to A Dragons' Tale. Even Apocalyptic Hybrid has two rather hard spots...especially that jump at the end (and one or two other jumps) might not be possible for true Beginners^ ^

[quote='HawkGer']One has to consider though that without all the MT it wouldn't be nearly as interesting to play. [/quote]That of course is very true :-)

[quote='HawkGer']And considering that (arguably) no other RPG builder has more MT skills than Sol666 it seems like a pretty tough challenge for the average builder ^ ^[/quote]And although that of course is true too, sol hopefully will be pleased to hear you praise his fantastic skills^ ^

[quote='HawkGer']I favor my proposed idea for the "easy-RPG" theme at the moment for the contest.[/quote]I favor your idea over my description too...it probably is way easier to pull of...and although it has been done in the past to make hard tracks easier...i can see that my suggestion is not practical enough and would only be possble to pull of with fantastic MT skills :->

I hope that a few authors at least try to create an outro...if they don't succeed it will not hurt the track...but if nobody tries there will be no chance on having a decent outro for an RPG, ever...^ ^

...it has not to be as perfect as Xtrem4 (that is the best outro i have seen in TM so far^ ^) but i hope somebody will try to make a really cool TV-like outro^ ^

[quote='HawkGer']... favor the "easy-RPG" theme ...for the contest[/quote]
your adaption and description of the 'easy-RPG theme' sounds much more practical than my initial description of the easy-rpg-theme...and hopefully more appealing to the experienced authors...it will still be challenging to pull it off...i am curious to see who will manage to build the easiest one^ ^

...when people are in favor and vote for the 'easy-rpg-theme' it has to be clear they vote for your suggestion (not for my rather difficult to realize proposal) ^ ^

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Postby heartX » 07.06.2010, 08:10

Maybe let's start a poll with all themes included.
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Postby Stromek » 07.06.2010, 08:28

hi there, let me bring my wood to the forest:p

about easy RPg tracks.. i think there is only one way to make a easy one, using MT with some conditions..
otherwise i think there will be only "special" race track if you do not add challenging stunts tricks, balancing etc.
Of course there should be a realy nice atmosphere, such as Mt fog and others MT effects, (pics, sounds)
but not all players are able to have PC3 shader setting which affected MT effects a lot, same for 3D skins.
These effects can make the atmospere more realistic...
i think on Rpg
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Postby HawkGer » 14.06.2010, 12:05

I was hoping for the new mapping technology to give us a great theme for the contest, but seeing that TMNF players would be excluded that's not an option anymore. I have another theme to present though - which Igntul came up with. The requirement would be to force the player for at least 25 blocks to drive backwards. This can be done with MT. Here's a video how it's done:
I think this theme would be optimal. It would not be limiting in any way for the rest of the track and it would be a truly innovative way of driving. Many new tricks and challenges can be created this way...
So would be good to have some poll results to see if this theme is wanted for the contest :)
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Postby Shortz » 14.06.2010, 21:13

nice idea hawk, think it would be something new :)
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Postby Golo » 15.06.2010, 20:49

like it aswell.
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Postby heartX » 16.06.2010, 09:48


Theme is nice!
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Postby HawkGer » 16.06.2010, 20:53

Guess we have a winner :)
Thanks everyone for the input and thanks Igntul for coming up with this truly original trick!
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