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RPG tracks for beginners

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RPG tracks for beginners

Postby Electron » 29.05.2010, 15:08

I am not really a fan of rpg tracks because i am not able to master all the balance parts on pipes and circuit borders (This is maybe due to the fact that I use the keyboard instead of a controller?).
But i like all the other characteristics (acrobatic stunts, tricks, jumps), exploring the maze, the theme and athmosphere of a good rpg track.
Can you suggest some easy, however, not too short, tracks for beginners?
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Postby HawkGer » 29.05.2010, 15:24

It's very hard to pick the most easy tracks for me which at the same time are quite good and long. So I'm gonna start a poll here where maybe less experienced players can voice their opinion on which tracks would be best suited for you.
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Postby eie » 29.05.2010, 18:23

ok, why is O'clock on that list :p
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Postby HawkGer » 29.05.2010, 18:28

you are right, O'clock should by default be named the most easy RPG ever :D
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Postby Electron » 29.05.2010, 18:54

Many thanks, Hawk :!: :)
I will try some and give feedback.
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Postby heartX » 29.05.2010, 20:49

Hmm, I recommend 'RPG map 1' to you.
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Postby -DasEimer- » 29.05.2010, 21:20

"Away from the Sun" is a good track for beginners I think.
There you can train your "balance-skills" verry well ;)
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Postby Realized2 » 30.05.2010, 03:44

I think the perfect map for beginners is Labyrinth II , it doesnt have pipe balance and i cant remember any hard stunts there. You can even cut the single rail-balance too , if you want.
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Postby Electron » 30.05.2010, 11:12

Balance parts on pipes and circuit borders are not a general problem. You can master them by driving very slow.
But sometimes you must drive that parts fast to master a following jump.

For an example in "Four Powers" i must give up here (in the room with the big gate):

OK, i finished "Away from the Sun". This track is very simple. No maze - no adventure, no mod - no atmosphere; and the balancing parts are easy too. This track is only good if you would train driving against the time.

But the goal of a beginner is not to drive a good time. He is more interested to lower the amount of respawns, i think.
So why are all rpg tracks of type "Race" and not "Platform"?

I also tryed "RPG map1". I like that track. Very easy, long, there are some good ideas, good atmosphere. I only missed some easy balance parts on pipes and circuit borders ;) and some ingame MT work.

Before, i finished some tracks build by my team mate sol666:

Apocalyptic Hybrid: Very nice and easy. Only the jump at the end from one circuit border to the other circuit border is a litle bit hard.

Orion Invasion: Much easier than "Apocalyptic Hybrid" but with more adventure and excellent ingame MT work.
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Postby eie » 30.05.2010, 12:58

the harder rpgs are more like platform tracks rather than simple racing. easy rpgs often consists of easy racing stunts, because it makes them easier =) but looks like you missed something, when you decided to not try sobekite :o
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Postby Sturmo » 03.06.2010, 15:42

Hi electron
like realized wrote, the labyrinth2 is a good map for beginners (although very annoying for experienced drivers :p)

Another good map is the Mansion of Madness. No really sick stunts and good to learn routefinding.

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Postby Igntul » 03.06.2010, 21:21

yeah i think labyrinth 2 is the perfect map for beginners ;)
but i wuld tip you MONTEZUMA'S TREASURE too, a great atmosphere in this map and the tricks are quite easy.. actually the first rpg mp i finished ;)
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Postby Realized2 » 04.06.2010, 15:57

Igntul wrote:lil out: lol who voted detroit and o'clock?

Someone with a sadistic sense of humor :)

here are some more suggestions: T_Robots , czakram , Palace India. (They might have some hard spots but overall it's easy driving and good atmosphere)
Lenghty is actually pretty easy too (CPs in abundance) , if you fancy trying one of the long maps.
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Postby luffy-greece » 05.06.2010, 19:29

WWho on eartyh was masochistic enough to vote for Oclock???? xD
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Postby occam » 06.06.2010, 14:21

Igntul wrote:... P.S.: what about a hard maps theme for the next tournament? ^ ^
Igntul wishes for Hard tracks for 4F contest #3 and there are plenty to choose from, but if Igntul, or anyone else for that matter^ ^, wanted to hold a contest for true Newcomers (TrackManiacs who play TM for the first couple of minutes^ ^) one would have a terrible hard job to find any fitting RPG tracks....there are no true RPG Beginner tracks what-so-ever ^ ^

Electron wrote: "...I am not really a fan of rpg tracks because i am not able to master all the balance parts on pipes and circuit borders (This is maybe due to the fact that I use the keyboard instead of a controller?).
But i like all the other characteristics (acrobatic stunts, tricks, jumps), exploring the maze, the theme and atmosphere of a good rpg track.
Can you suggest some easy, however, not too short, tracks for beginners?"

[quote='Hawk'] "...It's very hard to pick the most easy tracks for me which at the same time are quite good and long. So I'm gonna start a poll here where maybe less experienced players can voice their opinion on which tracks would be best suited for you."[/quote]

...so, I myself, did not suggest a Beginner-RPG in this thread yet...because...there are none (!^ ^)

...all existing RPGs compared to any original NADEO or StarTrackContest-tracks are at least difficulty C, D or E.

It would be really awesome to have an RPG that truly would fall into category A (white tracks) or B (green tracks).

And honestly, as of June, 6th 2010, there is not existing a single Adventure track [RPG], that qualifies for white or green label (A and B tracks), and nearly all of us agree that the main-difference between regular Trial/Platform tracks and RPG tracks is the atmosphere...so maybe...the biggest thinkable challenge might be to create an extremely atmospheric Adventure-Beginner-track

(and to torture the authors not too much maybe think of an opportunity to modify this white track in an alternative version to a blue-, red- or black-difficulty track (or green...but i guess any added traditional RPG element puts a white track into at least blue category...if you just got TrackMania and started it up for the first time...driving a pipe is not what you are looking for :- >>>) at least not what anybody would call beginner-friendly^ ^

i suggested an an 'easy' theme for the RPG track building contest #2 (with an optional second 'hard' version of the track

my idea for the 'easy' track: no pipes, no ledges, no anti-boosters, no part that could be considered hard in any way^ ^...for closer description have a look here.

the track should be drivable also from finish to start (abandonment of jumps will help^ ^)

but contain atmospheric elements 'galore' :- >

custom pictures, sounds and signs :- )

the goal is to have a track so easy it can be easily driven not only from start to finish (but if necessary all the way back to the start...so if an experienced driver already drove ahead, if desired it would be possible to drive back all the way to any point of the track to guide a novice driver^ ^

...it would be really awesome if one of the insanely gifted RPG authors decides to create the very first true Beginner RPG, with an overwhelming atmosphere ^ ^ ?!

--> the whole proposal in the thread for rpg-track-building-contest #2


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Postby HawkGer » 06.06.2010, 15:10

Occam I think we should be starting a community track project with that idea as a 'pilot-track' here. I posted on that topic why it's no good idea to use it as a track contest theme. I guess it's going to be very challenging to make an interesting track out of those limitations so working in a group would be the easiest solution to make this come alive I guess. You already seem to have experience with community tracks (project Cobal) so this being your idea maybe you want to proceed with it. Just my thoughts for now...
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Postby occam » 06.06.2010, 15:59

HawkGer wrote:Occam I think we should be starting a community track project with that idea as a 'pilot-track' here. I posted on that topic why it's no good idea to use it as a track contest theme. I guess it's going to be very challenging to make an interesting track out of those limitations so working in a group would be the easiest solution to make this come alive I guess. You already seem to have experience with community tracks (project Cobal) so this being your idea maybe you want to proceed with it. Just my thoughts for now...

Sounds really nice ^ ^ ...although i am not sure if i have enough time to be helpful as organizer...if i would try to organize it my first step would be to ask you, Hawk for help as counselor for all things concerning the Mod ^ ^, and although for all custom signs, pictures (all that only marginally would involve Photoshop^ ^) and since your last video also concerning the music-art-direction...

...since you will start to study soon and will probably have less time then...maybe you could be won over as organizer for such a huge project before you are full-time-student^ ^...as i said i might not have enough time...i will participate though (write PMs and stuff and start the server for testing and meeting^ ^ ...but i might not be able to come for alpha tests myself the next weeks^ ^)...

...we should ask sol666 if he would be willing to help building the very first super-easy (white) A-difficulty Adventure Track [RPG] :- > and give it the ooopmf it needs with his fantastic MT skills ...with enough atmosphere and story to it ...maybe even a super-easy Adventure might have the potential for greatness and thrill :- >

Paul, Golo, eie, Stromek and many others are very skilled RPG authors ... maybe we could even ask matto (who btw was the secret author who's RPG never has been revealed because he did not think it to be worthy to be seen by the vast public^ ^)...

...although i am terrible with dirt...maybe we should ask sol666, matto and paul to try a super-easy dirt rpg with help from hawk...
...what do you think...would you have enough time ?! ...although it is summer again...which was the problem last year :- >> matto lives near the ocean and will have to attend cool shore-parties which keeps him from spending to much time with TM (best reason i ever heard not to spend time with TM...have insane fun at the beach :- >>>)

...but maybe we can hope for a bit of rainy weather during the next 4 months at some point...

sol666 for sure likes dirt (and judging from 'OffShore', we know there can be tons of fun and addictive rec-hunting in an easy track ^ ^)


OffShore ( - 720p HD - 1080p HD - )

and Paul's mixes in Krypton are really cool too :-> ...although Paul did not qualify for 'easy' with Krypton, Paul already showed what could be done with only a few changes when creating Krypton light :- >


Krypton RPG light

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Postby HawkGer » 06.06.2010, 16:35

I think with this forum we have a really cool medium to make this happen because unlike in your Cobal project we can discuss in the open and work much more transparent (the server meetings were not enough to do that I had the feeling). So that would already take out some part of the disadvantage of the summer because we can be much more flexible so that people can jump in, in case the current builder suddenly got a thirst for beach fun (or the like)^^
I already had an idea for one more mod, a Jurassic Park mod. But because of the similarities to the Nature's Paradise mod I dropped the idea. Maybe we could get some fancy 3D models from sol666 or Stromek of some Dinosaurs and implement them in the track. Sounds and signs we would have plenty of resources too. So that might be one possible theme :)
I'm a bit busy currently but once I get to it I hope it won't take long to create a good looking mod and I will open a thread in the projects forum in case you haven't done so already by then 8)
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Postby occam » 06.06.2010, 16:47

[quote='HawkGer']I already had an idea for one more mod, a Jurassic Park mod[/quote]
already sounds intriguing ^ ^ and in the case of a 'Jurassic Park Mod'
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Postby HawkGer » 06.06.2010, 17:10

I will not make the FXclouds too fancy, I promise ^^
And yeah I had that screen of matto's track in mind when you mentioned it. At that time I thought it would be a track from you :D
For the dirt aspect, I think creating a top layer of dirt racing (blockmixed) and some other structures on the track would be a good thing...similar to Fish's Kheops Mechanism. I think a mix of Kheops and Kryw's Domnann would be best, would give a nice jungle feeling in combination with an indoor racing part.
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Postby occam » 07.06.2010, 19:35

[quote='Electron']I am not really a fan of rpg tracks because i am not able to master all the balance parts on pipes and circuit borders (This is maybe due to the fact that I use the keyboard instead of a controller?)...[/quote]
I hear you :-> would be the same for me, i got the feeling it is easier for me with pad^ ^

Probably Kryw (who drives with keyboard does not have many pipe-balancing parts and long ledges in his early RPG tracks because he is a keyboard-driver^ ^

...on the other hand, as you can read here in the forum, some insanely gifted 'RPG driving gods', manage to do it with keyboard (athough it is a mystery for me how they manage to do it :- >)

but Anonymous and realized can do it^ ^ and not mentioned here in the forum yet, Klody (often on RPG Unlimited), is also a gifted Keyboard-driver...

TimeBreaker, who unquestionably is very fast since a long time^ ^, struggled on a few obstacles with his keyboard (i especially remember him cursing when failing epically in Poseidon's Wrath^ ^)...but sometimes you can use a different technique, "hook" the weel into the ledge...Anonymous made a Video Tutorial for that...this technique solved TimeBreaker's troubles :->...

...as i stated: i think there are not enough easy RPGs (yet :->) ...but i still wanted to try to answer your initial question :- ) so here are my suggestions, for which i voted:

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Postby Tyroc » 20.07.2010, 07:46

I think, Montezumas Treasure would be a godd track for beginners. No too hard parts at all, not too short.
Last edited by Tyroc on 22.07.2010, 12:32, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Tiji78 » 22.07.2010, 09:02

I agree with you Tyroc.

the cp's number marked above the cp, it makes it easy to see if we're lost, or if we just took the right cp :)

There is just the last room which could cause problmes for beginners ;)

You just made me wanna drive this track :P
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Postby Tyroc » 22.07.2010, 12:33

The last room is not really hard to drive, it is just hard to FIND all the ring cps. If someone tells him where to drive it should be no problem any longer :)
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Postby Promaxer » 22.07.2010, 12:57

lol? Who recomended Detroit to Eletron?, even i can't finish it =/ really hardcore :P
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