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[RPG]F.B.I. Dossier 7382: Art of Murder

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[RPG]F.B.I. Dossier 7382: Art of Murder

Postby Housekeepr » 22.08.2010, 17:53

Hi all RPG players and fans!
So here by i Present my new FBI Dossier Map :-)

Track Info - TMX


17 Juli 2007, 18.45 New York
In the last year, a few expensive artworks have been stolen by the well known Thief with the code name "Art of Murder".
Our best agents still haven't found him/her... But we received very re-liable information from the NSA.
We have located the probably "hideout" of the Thief, it seems to be an abonded place. So be carefull.

We also think the Thief, have some Artworks stored in hidden places in and around the complex. Try to find and retrieve some.
But most important is to trace the Thief. He must be captured and brought into custody. You're the best agent we have deployed in the
field, dont disappoint us


Map Name: F.B.I. Dossier 7382: Art of Murder
MOD: Dark Art by Hawkger
Theme: RPG
MT Work: Yes
Coppers: 10.017
Intro: (All Credits go to Acceleracer_01)
Outro: (By myself)
MT on Map: By myself
Music: TMU Summer Mix 2009 (by Robbair Riquez) Duration: 00.47.09
Building Time: Between 100 to 150 hours.
Blockmixing: (very much... and still learning new things )
Screenshot: Yes
Beta Testers: [GD]Bill Thanks a lot for helping me out and the advisements!

Author Time: 16.23.64
Gold Time: 17.23.00
Silver Time: 19.41.00
Bronze Time: 24.36.00

Total CP's: 39

There are 10 Stolen Paintings to be Retrieved...
The 1st who places a screenshot of a Stolen Painting will get 50c
(united is needed, otherwise its for the honour :-))
So in total 10 Paintings 10x 50c for the 1st founder...

Whoever sends me an "Valid Replay" showing me, u drove the map, finished it, and found all 10 Paintings (triggers need to be activated)
Will get 1000c ! (incase of Nations, it will be a Bronze Tag (1000c)
So I want to see a valid replay where u drive trough the map, finishing it and find all 10 Paintings...

Enjoy \o/
Please leave a comment, or feedback, Hope you like this more as an challenge as my previous FBI map!
Last edited by Housekeepr on 04.09.2010, 15:31, edited 1 time in total.
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