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CS Manager

CS Manager

Postby heartX » 19.08.2010, 08:37

CS Manager

This is probably one of the best manager games. (based on counter-strike)
You are a manager of one team. (12 players max/ 5 players lineup)
You need to buy new gamers, make new tactics, deal with sponsor, play tournaments, leagues, cups, ladders and so on..
You can view matches in 2D.
Really interesting gameplay for me :love: .


So if you are already playing this game or going to play you can ask me for help.
I hope some of you will make their teams now :P.

Good luck!
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Joined: 22.05.2010, 08:57

Postby Shortz » 21.08.2010, 21:57

sounds like fun, maybe I
Proud Member of team BX3, no loose ends!
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