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RPG Spain Spring Cup 2018 - Driving Contest

RPG Spain Spring Cup 2018 - Driving Contest

Postby Xerox » 20.07.2018, 12:39

Hello! The 5th edition of the RPG Spain Spring Cup will start very soon, so here is all the information and rules you need to know for this competition:

- You only need to register if you want to participate in the Duo Event and the Endurance Event. For the actual cup + the rest of the events, you only need to join the server and play!
- Deadline to register your team:
*Duo Event: 10th August 23:59h.
*Endurance Event: 25th August 23:59h.

- To register for any of the two events, send me a private message (RPG Forum, TMX, discord, in-game...) filling what I wrote under:

    *Player 1: Login / Nickname
    *Player 2: Login / Nickname

PSA: This tournament is NOT a DUO competition, it's a SOLO competition where two of the special events consists of DUO-teams.
- Keep the teams private!

Past TOP3:

2013: Kilburn, Reahx, Mario
2014: Clem, HylleZ, Drunk
2015: Clem, Drunk, Monsi
2017: Wirtual, Matt, Dawe

- Server Name: RPG SPAIN SPRING CUP 2018
- Add favourite link: tmtp://#addfavourite=rpgspaincup2018
- Direct Join link: tmtp://#join=rpgspaincup2018
- Tracks from: RPG Spain Spring Cup 2018 - Trackbuilding Contest

Qualification System:

Just Local records count.
Players will have 4 maps to qualify on. Qualification system will follow a points system, where each local will give you points, and after the 4 maps are finished, the Top20 with most points go thru the next round, the Group Stage Round.
On each map, the Top 20 Locals will get rewarded points following their position.
Points: 40 36 32 29 26 23 20 17 15 13 11 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Top4 on the overall standings will go directly into the Finals, while players between 5th and 20th (both included) will go to the Group Stage Round.

Group Stage System:

Players will be split into 4 groups: A, B, C and D.
4 new maps will be used for this Group Stage.
Top2 on each group will qualify for the Finals, while the bottom 2 will be eliminated.
Each map will give points depending on your local position, but you only need to focus on beating the players in your own group.
Points: 15 11 8 5


3 new maps will be used for the Finals.
12 players will take part, 4 coming from the Qualification Phase and 8 coming from the Group Stage.
Maps will be played in Time Attack + Rounds.
After the Time Attack phase ends, each map will be played twice in Rounds Mode, and the player with most points from TA+Rounds will become the winner of the RPG Spain Spring Cup 2018!
Time Attack Points: 30 26 22 18 15 12 9 7 5 3 2 1
Rounds Points (Per Round): 15 13 11 9 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1

Each map will have 9 sessions of 4h45, 1 session of 3h45 and 1 session of 5h10.

Special Events:

Duo event: Teams will consist of two players where they will need the partner to get the fastest time combined. One player can only be in 1 team. Both members of the team have to finish the map at least once. The winner team of this event will get 5 Bonus Points per player for the Finals.

Pathfinding event: The name of the event says it all. New map where you will have to find the way by yourself and try to be the first finisher. The first finisher will get 5 Bonus Points for the Finals.

KO event: Players will drive in Knock-Out mode, with previous training of the map that will be played here. KO mode is played in ROUNDS where on every round, the slowest times of the round are kicked (Depending on the number of players, there will be more or less kicks per round, which will be announced just before the beginning of every round). The KO Winner will get 5 Bonus Points for the Finals.

Endurance event: Players will play in relay mode, switching back and forth with their teammates, to complete this 3 hour race. Before the race starts, players will have time to practice and learn the map. This event is 3 hours long, you must register to take part, since it will be played in teams of 2. The winner team of this race will get 5 Bonus Points per player for the Finals.

Round Races: This event will be a little tribute to RPG, and it will be done the day that RPG turns 10 years! Players will play on old iconic maps in rounds mode and this event is just for fun, it doesn't count for the Cup itself, it's a tribute to RPG.

Rank Standings:
There will be 11 maps available to drive.
Every map will count, so activity will be rewarded!
The bonus points won on the Special Events are also counting towards the Rank Standings!
Point system: 40 36 32 29 26 23 20 17 15 13 11 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Another rules:
- Cuts are allowed.
- Altways are forbidden.
- Cuts related to MT (blind driving, self-speccing...) are not allowed.
- Cheating is NOT allowed.

Uploading replays to TMX:
You must upload your replay to TMX if any of the situations written below happen:
- Top 5 records on any map.
- If you qualified from Qualification Phase (QP), directly to the Finals, you must upload your PBs on all 4 QP maps.
- If you qualified from Group Stage Phase (GSP) to the Finals, you must upload your PBs on all 4 GSP maps.
- If you won any of the Special Events except Round Races, you have to upload your PB on TMX.
- For finalists, Top 5 on each map has to upload their PBs to TMX, in all 3 maps.
- For Rank, Top 3 at the end of the cup, has to upload all their PBs to TMX.

- CEST Timezone.

Cup Opener: Duo event [10.08 17H - 13.08 18H]
Qualifying Phase Mappack [13.08 18H - 19.08 17H]
Group Stage Mappack [19.08 17H - 26.08 18H]
Pathfinding Event [19.08 17H]
KO Race [24.08 18H]
Endurance Race [26.08 18H - 26.08 21H]
Finals Mappack [26.08 21H - 02.09 18H]
Round Races [31.08 12H -31.08 21H]
18:00 -> Castle of Shadows by eie
19:00 -> Sobékite by Kryw
20:00 -> Czakram by Jurek
Finals Mappack [31.08 21H - 02.09 18H]
Finals Rounds [02.09 18H]


Winner: 120€ + Trophy + Gold Tag
Second: 60€ + Trophy + Gold Tag
Third: 30€ + Trophy + Gold Tag

Rank 4: 80000 CC + Silver Tag
Rank 5: 60000 CC + Silver Tag
Rank 6: 40000 CC + Silver Tag
Rank 7: 20000 CC + Silver Tag
Rank 8: 15000 CC + Bronze Tag
Rank 9: 10000 CC + Bronze Tag
Rank 10: 7500 CC + Bronze Tag
Rank 11: 5000 CC + Bronze Tag
Rank 12: 2500 CC + Bronze Tag

Special prizes:

Duo winner: 5000 CC + Gold Tag
1st finisher at Pathfinding Map: 5000 CC + Gold Tag
KO winner: 5€ + 5000 CC + Gold Tag
Endurance Race winner: 10€ + 5000 CC + Gold Tag
Classic Round Races winner: 10000 CC + Gold Tag

Rank Standings:

Rank 1: 60000 CC + Gold Tag
Rank 2: 40000 CC + Silver Tag
Rank 3: 25000 CC + Silver Tag
Rank 4: 15000 CC + Bronze Tag
Rank 5: 10000 CC + Bronze Tag

If you want to help towards the prizepool, you can donate to make the prizes even better!
- Via online on the cup server.
- By sending an in-game message to "eliasdarka95".

Good Luck all and see you online!
Last edited by Xerox on 27.08.2018, 18:13, edited 21 times in total.
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Re: RPG Spain Spring Cup 2018 - Driving Contest

Postby Xerox » 20.07.2018, 18:39

Donators List:
Rider: 175€
Alf: 50€
Eagle: Trophies
Rider: Server host payment
Shortz: 110000 cc
Wirtual: 100010 cc
Thom: 100001 cc
Kitty: 69560 cc
Matt: 62981 cc
Loe: 60004 cc
Berkin: 58000 cc
Vince: 52000 cc
Levon: 50061 cc
Tabasco: 50000 cc
Nixion: 33000 cc
Koto: 30000 cc
Nightmare: 30000 cc
Kilburn: 30000 cc
Maverick: 25000 cc
Eagle: 20000 cc
Clith: 20000 cc
Skin_Bation: 20000 cc
Alf: 18000 cc
Chris: 17000 cc
Jurajojo: 15000 cc
Vampire: 12500 cc
Sog: 11111 cc
Nunni: 11100 cc
Rider: 11000 cc
Monsi: 10001 cc
Discombobulated: 10000 cc
Charn: 10000 cc
Schron: 10000 cc
Agna: 9000 cc
Beep: 8000 cc
Hoff: 8000 cc
Krist-Off: 7499 cc
Harry: 7000 cc
Manu: 6676 cc
Sokko: 6500 cc
Booby: 5555 cc
Adentalis: 5000 cc
KingS: 4400 cc
Westend: 4000 cc
KingS: 3900 cc
Keby: 2792 cc
Corzo: 2700 cc
HylleZ: 2101 cc
slow Potato: 2000 cc
Havy: 1000 cc
Dawe: 1000 cc
Jbw774: 50 cc
Hoff: 50 cc
Tekutina: 40 cc
Damir: 20 cc
DankRaptor: 10 cc
Last edited by Xerox on 02.09.2018, 19:05, edited 9 times in total.
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Re: RPG Spain Spring Cup 2018 - Driving Contest

Postby Xerox » 10.08.2018, 14:16


Thanks to Shortz for the video!

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Re: RPG Spain Spring Cup 2018 - Driving Contest

Postby Xerox » 13.08.2018, 16:07


Boardwalk by Revo
20 teams registered.

Duo results

WINNER Teamname: Levon/Aeq

Second Slim&Thicc: Berkin/HylleZ +0:02
Third Lunafreaks: Nixion/Hoff +0:57
4th esu LOL: Matt/Jerem +1:08
5th Yin&Yang: Wojoradi/Mario +1:30
6th Rocketeers: Manu/Kilburn +1:42
7th Team Moyai: B1ts/Walnut +3:17
8th Baguette&Beer: Skandear/Yuke +6:02
9th TwinGo: Maverick/Futhark +9:45
10th 1776: Chris/Discombobulated +14:20

11th Indricotheriinae: Damir/Burni +16:23
12th Thank God it's not TM2: Paxiuz/Niiel +51:11
13th KOZZ: Krist-Off13/Zeltron +51:14
14th Alpha Males: Rufus/Loe +1h03:37
15th SoCalKooks: Charn/Plext +1h15:30
16th Team Blank: Orange/Rider +2h40:39

17th Alkaline Duo: Jurajojo/Jumper 1 Finisher
18th TWN: KingS/MarnickV 1 Finisher
19th Bitch Cows: Agent/Chaoshand 1 Finisher
20th S&B: Mixalis/Vertigo No Finishers
Last edited by Xerox on 24.08.2018, 18:23, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: RPG Spain Spring Cup 2018 - Driving Contest

Postby Xerox » 19.08.2018, 15:10


Cobblestone by Nixion

Flooded Factory by Wasker

Pirate Bay by Manu

Top20 Results (After the 4 Qualification Maps)

Matt, Wojoradi, Berkin and HylleZ are qualified to the Grand Finals.
5th to 20th are qualified to the Group Stage.

*Nixion (15th) and Wasker (19th) are unable to participate in the Group Stage Phase, their spots will be taken by Chris (21st) and Sog (22nd).*
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Re: RPG Spain Spring Cup 2018 - Driving Contest

Postby Xerox » 19.08.2018, 17:05


Thanks to Shortz for the video!



Group A: Alf, Tristan, Chris, Levon
Group B: Jurajojo, Kilburn, Deus, Walnut
Group C: Sog, KingS, Manu, Hoff
Group D: Nutella, Reahx, Aeq, Dawe
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Re: RPG Spain Spring Cup 2018 - Driving Contest

Postby Xerox » 19.08.2018, 20:01


The dark side of the Moon by Blast
First session times.

Pathfinding Results

WINNER Aeq 2h16min41s

Second Manu 2h18min17s
Third Wasker 2h19min07s
4th Matt 2h21min57s
5th Dawe 2h24min25s

6th Paxiuz 2h52min28s
7th Wojoradi 3h00min27s
8th Pierrepok 4h04min04s
9th Jurajojo 4h18min58s

After a little talk, it has been decided that Manu will get 3 Bonus Points, and Aeq will get 2 Bonus Points.
Also, the Pathfinding prize will go to Manu.
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Re: RPG Spain Spring Cup 2018 - Driving Contest

Postby Xerox » 24.08.2018, 18:14


District 13 by Wirtual
26 players participated.

KO Results


Second HylleZ
Third Dawe
4th Alf
5th Manu
6th kingS
7th Berkin
8th Levon
9th Wojoradi
10th Igntul

11th Nast
12th Jurajojo
13th Kilburn
14th Fleshback
15th Vonix
16th Nr.42
17th Irreps
18th Athanes
19th Nixion
20th Tristan
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Re: RPG Spain Spring Cup 2018 - Driving Contest

Postby Xerox » 25.08.2018, 11:27

If you missed the KO Race and you want to rewatch it, check the video below to watch the full race. It was a pretty fun race with some nice competed rounds, worth a watch!

KO Race
Thanks to Wirtual for the video and for livestreaming it!
Also thanks to Asura for co-casting!
Last edited by Xerox on 25.08.2018, 19:48, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: RPG Spain Spring Cup 2018 - Driving Contest

Postby Xerox » 25.08.2018, 14:17

Endurance Race Update
- The Race is now 3 hours long instead of 6 hours.
- Race will start at 18:00 and end at 21:00 (CEST).
- Minimum time that must be driven in 1 stint is 30 min. (This means you can't switch with your teammate before having driven 30 minutes in your session).
- Maximum time that can be driven in 1 stint in a row is 1h40. (This means that once your session reaches that time, you will be automatically switched for your teammate).

The rest is intact. Teams of 2, you need to register in order to participate. To register, just send me your login, your teammate's login and the teamname. I hope this changes motivate you more to participate :D
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Re: RPG Spain Spring Cup 2018 - Driving Contest

Postby Xerox » 26.08.2018, 17:58


stargazer* by Thom
11 teams registered.

Race Results

WINNER unNamelon: Wasker & Unnamed
929 CPs

2nd CSA: HylleZ & Matt 923 CPs
3rd No insta finalists btw.: Dawe & Jurajojo 911 CPs
4th Abacbahaltomaterm: Wojoradi & KingS 910 CPs
5th CrazyParrots: Alf & Harry 891 CPs
6th Baguette: Aeq & Tristan 888 CPs

7th Irreps & That Guy: Irreps & Levon 809 CPs
8th Team 12: Chris & Discombobulated 801 CPs
9th Ajax: Badboy & Youri 782 CPs
10th Team 13: Walnut & Fover 709 CPs
11th Vollstoffel: Happy & Fliffy 695 CPs

Player Stats

CPs taken


Last edited by Xerox on 26.08.2018, 20:36, edited 7 times in total.
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Re: RPG Spain Spring Cup 2018 - Driving Contest

Postby Xerox » 26.08.2018, 18:04


The dark side of the Moon by Blast

District 13 by Wirtual

Western Fortress III by Reahx

stargazer* by Thom

Group Results
Group A

Group B

Group C

Group D

Alf, Tristan, Jurajojo, Kilburn, KingS, Manu, Dawe and Aeq are qualified to the Grand Finals.
Last edited by Xerox on 26.08.2018, 19:33, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: RPG Spain Spring Cup 2018 - Driving Contest

Postby Xerox » 26.08.2018, 18:08


Thanks to Shortz for the video!


Matt, Wojoradi, Berkin, Hyllez, Alf, Tristan, Jurajojo, Kilburn, KingS*, Manu, Dawe and Aeq.

*KingS quit the cup, Walnut is the new finalist. The new finalist has been decided by putting all 3rds into the same group. Walnut is 1st, followed by Nutella, Levon and Sog.*
Last edited by Xerox on 31.08.2018, 19:27, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: RPG Spain Spring Cup 2018 - Driving Contest

Postby Xerox » 31.08.2018, 19:27


Round 1 - 18 Finishers
Sobékite by Kryw

WINNER Wirtual 9:13.01
Second Wojoradi 10:00.97
Third Xerox 10:16.16
4th Dawe 10:31.58
5th Alf 10:47.61

Round 2 - 20 Finishers
Sobékite by Kryw

WINNER Wirtual 9:16.30
Second Snellejasper 9:39.88
Third Xerox 10:02.71
4th Unnamed 10:31.05
5th Dawe 10:34.36

Round 3 - 17 Finishers
Czakram by Jurek

WINNER Xerox 6:27.45
Second Wojoradi 6:51.45
Third Alf 7:14.16
4th Fleshback 7:32.60
5th Wirtual 7:39.87

Round 4 - 18 Finishers
Czakram by Jurek

WINNER Wirtual 6:28.97
Second Wojoradi 6:47.35
Third Alf 6:49.45
4th Xerox 6:56.63
5th Snellejasper 7:12.10

Round 5 - 19 Finishers
Castle of Shadows by eie

WINNER Deus 10:20.59
Second Kilburn 10:21.50
Third Wirtual 10:38.53
4th Alf 10:51.53
5th Dawe 10:53.40

Round 6 - 14 Finishers
Castle of Shadows by eie

WINNER Wirtual 9:43.19
Second Wojoradi 10:31.56
Third Dawe 10:34.82
4th Harry 10:39.63
5th Alf 10:42.66


WINNER Wirtual 157P
Second Wojoradi 124P
Third Xerox 114P
4th Alf 103P
5th Dawe 101P
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Re: RPG Spain Spring Cup 2018 - Driving Contest

Postby Xerox » 31.08.2018, 21:21

If you missed the Classic Round Race and you want to rewatch it, check the video below to watch the full race. Pretty entertaining event overall, with some close battles and lots of fun, worth to watch. You can also check the timestamps in the Youtube description.

Classic Round Race
Thanks to Snellejasper for recording the whole event!
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Re: RPG Spain Spring Cup 2018 - Driving Contest

Postby Xerox » 02.09.2018, 18:07


Main competition

WINNER Matt 167 points
Second Dawe 144 points
Third Berkin 119 points
4th Aeq 113 points
5th Wojoradi 93 points

6th Manu 69 points *He gets 6th due to a better local against Jurajojo.*
7th Jurajojo 69 points
8th Kilburn 41 points
9th Walnut 40 points

10th Alf 25 points
11th Tristan 23 points
12th HylleZ 8 points

Rank Standings

WINNER Matt 342 points
Second Dawe 290 points
Third Wojoradi 275 points
4th Berkin 262 points
5th HylleZ 250 points

Special Events
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Re: RPG Spain Spring Cup 2018 - Driving Contest

Postby Xerox » 02.09.2018, 19:08

If you missed the Grand Finals and you want to rewatch it, check the video below to watch the full race. Very nice and competitive rounds, as well as some bad mistakes, that makes this race very entertaining to watch, give it a look!

Grand Finals Rounds Phase
Thanks to Wirtual for the video and for livestreaming it!
Also thanks to Asura for co-casting!

I hope everyone enjoyed playing the cup, I enjoyed organizing it and seeing a lot of activity on most of the maps, thanks to everyone for participating and congratulations to Matt for winning it in the end!
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Re: RPG Spain Spring Cup 2018 - Driving Contest

Postby Xerox » 04.09.2018, 15:37


Top15 Avg Ranks

Top30 Most Finished Maps

Top3 Record Holders

Top15 Most Active Players

Top15 Donators online

Amount of players joining the server during the cup: 1002 players.
Player with most hours on the server: Wojoradi, 312 hours.
Most wins during the cup: Dawe, 16 wins.

Most finished map: Cobblestone by Nixion, 90 locals.
Most awarded map: Cobblestone by Nixion, 45 Awards.

Most CP1 Holders: Matt, Levon and Aeq with 2.
Player with most finished runs: Wojoradi, 216 runs.
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