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Milkyway RPG Cup : Server change

Milkyway RPG Cup : Server change

Postby Chocolleight » 19.03.2017, 20:42

Hello everyone,

Due to several milkyway team personnal issues, i am writting this new post about the cup to tell you the cup will continue, but in another server.

Here is the ip of the new server opening on monday 20/03/2017 at 00:00 (just copy paste it in your maniaplanet, in top,left of the screen) !


Another thing new is the cashprize.
We managed to collect 120 euros for it. That is better than any amont of planets... so... there we go !

60€ for the 1st
40€ for the 2nd
20€ for the 3rd

The rest doesn't change...
Rules are the same (cuts are allowed !)
Dates are the same.

Last thing is that i will probably answer to my own post bellow, puting screenshots, and writting results.
So stay alert ! :p

And of course... have fun !
Last edited by Chocolleight on 21.03.2017, 01:27, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 20
Joined: 01.05.2015, 23:48

Re: Milkyway RPG Cup : Server change

Postby Chocolleight » 21.03.2017, 01:26


1st week ended.

Here are results in screenshots:



So, top 3 mint be qualified:
Bren, kilburn and micmo.
But since micmo got disqualified after a team vote for admin abuse, the 4th is in.

So we have Bren, kilburn and Tourist qualified.
GG !
Posts: 20
Joined: 01.05.2015, 23:48

Re: Milkyway RPG Cup : Server change

Postby Chocolleight » 26.03.2017, 23:09

Aaaaaaannnnnd here the 2nd week finish.

Screenshots :



And as you know now, top 3 of unqualified players is qualified.
So we have Agent, Boss Wanted and Ariana.

GG to them !
and have fun on next map ofc :)
Posts: 20
Joined: 01.05.2015, 23:48

Re: Milkyway RPG Cup : Server change

Postby Chocolleight » 02.04.2017, 22:32

Here we continue.


Scrapie, Toddy and Chocolleight qualified.
GG !
Posts: 20
Joined: 01.05.2015, 23:48

Re: Milkyway RPG Cup : Server change

Postby Chocolleight » 09.04.2017, 22:28

4th Week is done.

here are reccords :



gg to Narcor, Kevinstrike and Badlulu who are qualified !

Gl for next map !!!!!
Posts: 20
Joined: 01.05.2015, 23:48

Re: Milkyway RPG Cup : Server change

Postby Chocolleight » 17.04.2017, 09:56

5th map :

3 pages of reccords !!
awsome :)




Dexter, Nutella and Chaoshand qualified.
GG !

2 maps remaining, gogo !!!!!!!
Posts: 20
Joined: 01.05.2015, 23:48

Re: Milkyway RPG Cup : Server change

Postby Chocolleight » 21.04.2017, 13:31

Hi guys !

writting a post a bit earlier than usuall due to some changes.

Narcor confirmed us he didnt want drive the cup, so we can knock him out.

proof there


SO !
the 4th of the map he got qualified is in...
It was Nutella.

In that case, nutella does'nt count anymore for the map 5 (Ak'Cher'Ya by Floxe).
And Marius89 is in too.

It allows me to remind you to be sure to be free on May 6th, the date of the rounds part of the cup.
If not.. tell me of course !
That could give a chance to someone else.

Thx for it already !
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Joined: 01.05.2015, 23:48

Re: Milkyway RPG Cup : Server change

Postby Chocolleight » 23.04.2017, 22:42

Here is the second last map ending.

Reccords bellow:



Ok we got some changes again about qualified players during this week.
Aurel and Centrillion should have been qualified, but they told us they are not free to play rounds.
In that case we do not count them into the list.

SO ^^, we have Colin,Marmerladi and Dodeka qualified this map.
GG to them !

3 slots remaining...
Gl for last map to everyone !!!!!!
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Joined: 01.05.2015, 23:48

Re: Milkyway RPG Cup : Server change

Postby Chocolleight » 30.04.2017, 22:25

AAAANNND the last map just finished;
and we know all qualified players.

But 1st, there you ahve results of the last map...



and let's speak about what happened recently with players decisions.

1. i decided myself to not drive and stay fully as admin in this cup. So my spot goes to the 4th of Castle of Sorrow that was Testify. Welcome to him in.

2. Marius89 also told us he can't be free for next saturday and he prefer giving his spot. Since he got qualified on 5th map, the next one was Xerox who is qualified then. Welcome to him too.


3. Wasker told us since the 2nd map he was not abble to drive cause his connection was to bad. His loc 1 does not count then on the last map. GG to him anyway.

So in this last map we have:
Marozi, Olas and Chicane.

And i put again the full list of qualified in the order:
Boss Wanted
Ariana G.

GG to all of them !!!
New post inc speaking more precisly about next week and rounds.
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Joined: 01.05.2015, 23:48

Re: Milkyway RPG Cup : Server change

Postby Chocolleight » 01.05.2017, 00:44

Hi everyone,

Since the last map of the pack ended, next posts will only concern qualified players.
By the way, i wanted to thank you all for being that active on the cup server and i hope you enjoyed playing rpg as we did. We really enjoyed organizing the cup and we hope you liked the format.

So !!! To qualified players, bellow, you should find all about next steps of the cup :
There, you can find the planning of maps this week.
Then you can know when you map you have to train or remind will get played.


And there, you can find a little remind of rounds rules :
Rounds get played in cup mode, with finalist mode.
That mean when you reach the finalist mode you have to finish 1st to confirm your final placement in the cup.
Also, here you can find how point should work :


Every map will get played twice with a warmup at the 1st loop.
Semi-final maps :
- Stay Classic
- Umut Kara
- Ak'CherY' a

Important thing is that we planned everything on the case there is 21 players driving semi-finals. So it would be 10 players qualified. But only 50% best players get qualified if less players are driving of course.
Exemple : 18 players -> 9 qualified

Final maps :
- Nadeo’ica
- Castle of Sorrow
- Colored Eyes
- Wooden leg

Good Luck All !!!
Posts: 20
Joined: 01.05.2015, 23:48

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