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RPG Hunting cup TA and Mapping Results + Mappack to download

RPG Hunting cup TA and Mapping Results + Mappack to download

Postby Micmo » 21.07.2016, 00:14

Full statisitcs of top 50 here : https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Mxd3E4QN2BQYUmQehgwRLJFXXz1d6Esx41lcvB_v57A/edit#gid=0

MAPPACK AVAILABLE HERE : http://mixedtrain.bplaced.net/maps%20hunting%20cup/RPG%20HUNTING%20CUP%20MAPS.rar

maxi031: earn a Gold tag !
dadel: earn a Silver tag !
dadel: earn a Bronze tag !

Others: earn 150 planets for participation !

*Tags and Prices(planets) got already distributed

Jury comments :

1.Pointy hat on the midd-age breeze is a real mapping performance. This map purpose 2 ways to play trackmania with a normal way very nice to discover and smooth to hunt, and an alternative quest that will take you several hours to find all christals. This map is a real beauty !
Only “negative” point : normal route is not enough RPG: way too obvious, no rpg tricks...

2.Teldrasil were our best surprise. The map is almost a new idea on tm² titlepack by the 3 temples which can be driven in different order. That point make the route not that easy to hunt and a pathfinding work is necessary. Typical RPG.

3.Exocity were as interesant to discover than hunt by her beautiful mapping, tricky path and good flow. This old style map could have been one of the best tm² rpg maps if some mapping problems would not appear.

4.Jungle destruction was very interessant. Probably the harder one to discover, this map offers us some new tricks that are true challenges to master. However, this map is still a beta and some checkpoints could have really been optimized.

5.The Pyramid of Al Gabir is a beautiful map, pleasant to dicover and hunt. Some bugs are still disturbing but nothing serious. But the map is typical TM² : nothing really new.

6.MK Solariss. Even if Solaris seems annoying at first, it become hard to hunt after some tries. The increasing difficulty make it interessant. If the moon atmosphere is ok, the global mapping could have been better for scenary and 7th camera.

7.Desert Place were not really what we expected for an RPG cup. The route is more fullspeed than rpg and even the hunt part get disturbed by some buggy parts. However, the global atmosphere save the map a bit.

8.The Fairy glade is a good map in appearence with a real mapping effort, but reality is that there is no way to hunt it because of random checkpoints and buggy transitions. The map is not that beautiful to see with camera 7, and the use of invisible routes, teleport checkpoints are an easy mapping option and not that pleasant to drive.

Rounds part will be stream by:
-lasdecoeur (FR). Channel : https://www.twitch.tv/lasdecoeurtm
-Deiyz (EN). Channel https://www.twitch.tv/deiyz

VOD coming soon on Youtube.

Last edited by Micmo on 23.07.2016, 15:47, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: RPG Hunting cup TA and Mapping Results + Mappack to down

Postby gugaruz » 22.07.2016, 05:50

gg mappers and gz maxi for the first place :D
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Re: RPG Hunting cup TA and Mapping Results + Mappack to down

Postby maxi031 » 22.07.2016, 08:28

I was not very much pleased with the map nether considering how obvious and easy path was.
Tanks Guga and GRATZ to all who participated in driving and building cup.
There should be more things like this going on with better maps of course. :hehe:
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Re: RPG Hunting cup TA and Mapping Results + Mappack to down

Postby JuliusOctopus » 22.07.2016, 17:21

Yeah my map was not good for hunting. I'm not at all suprise of my map results :P

Good job everybody !
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Joined: 11.02.2013, 19:37

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