During pulse cup i decided to host an own RPG Cup in TMF again, the iGn RPG Cup 2016.(Name might change)
I will post details about the cup in the coming weeks, this thread is only to inform you that we need some maps

It will probably be around July/August.
If you are planning to submit a map just leave a comment here with your name and your login

Deadline is end of July
The map should be longer than 6 minutes, new to other players and have to be playable without Unlimiter, in all other terms you are free to do what you want

List of Mappers:
Nunquam - Nunquam
Thom - thomatos (2 Maps)
Wojoradi - wojoradi
Blast- - blast-
revo - revo
rossi94 - rossi_94
Paxiuz - pacome
popgun - popgun (maybe 2 Maps)
deus - nom2nom
Gum - karl_karotte
Walnut - tanglingwalnut
Golo - schleu
sorrow - sorrowcroatia
Jurajojo - jurojojo
Yanos - yanos_artman
Return - xl2eFresh
Pierrepok - julian5964
Reahx - phoenix__pepijn