I present you my small CustomObjectpack ,you can use many together...
I hope you enjoyed !:)
This would not been possible without help from Maxi , he gave me many tipps ;D
- 3 kinds of Lights (radius 16m) <w/wo grid>
- 6 kinds of Obelisks with glow <nogrid>
- 3 Kinds of Crystals (glow) (maybe easteregg?) <grid 1m>
- Lightbars > Straight/Curve/Curve2 <grid 0.25m>
- Glowstones <nogrid>
- 1 broken Pipe (TM1 pipe) <grid 1m>
- 4 kinds of Starts (with glow) <nogrid>
- 4 kinds of Finishes (with glow) <nogrid>
- 4 kinds of Cps (with glow) » +4 teleporter with highstep 64; 128; 192; 256; <nogrid>
- Glow Booster <nogrid>
- Normal Booster > 4 kinds of slope <grid 1m>
- Normal Booster + 200% <grid 1m>
- 15 Walls with all Sculpt2 Textures <grid 1m>
- Hidden Pictures in 3 Sizes; <grid 1m>
*StadiumFabricFloor > Projection (like dirt water and grass)
- invisible Surfaces (4sizes) <grid 1m>
- Waterfalls & Surfaces (4sizes) (Notcollidable) <grid 1m>
- 4 Planks <grid 0.25m>
Maxi's Village of the Sacred Feathers
- 2 Roofs <grid 1m>
- 4 Ramps > 4 kinds of slope <grid1m >
- LodEntrance > check it self <grid 1m>
- 3 kinds of broken Walls <grid 1m>
Maxi's stair expansionset
> 2 Kinds of SpiralStairCases (inside and outsite stairs > 4 slopekinds) <grid 1m>
Map by Skellborn , coming soon

> Normal mini stairs <grid 1m>
LodEnergyBeam (glow) » test it self

RPG TP use 6 Glow Colors , so all Glowobjects use 6 colors;
64; 128; 192; 256; mean the spawnhigh in meters > nadeoplaform 32x32x8 meters
Extract the Zip Skyslidecreations in C:\Users\User\Documents\ManiaPlanet\Items
Don't forget the experimental technology 'embedded objects'