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URGENT in need of mod with this texture

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URGENT in need of mod with this texture

Postby eie » 02.06.2015, 16:21

I need a mod with this texture as StadiumFXClouds



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Re: URGENT in need of mod with this texture

Postby popgun » 02.06.2015, 16:43

What mod do you want?

It's a 2 minute job to replace any mods StadiumFXClouds.dds with that one and zip it up.

Then you'll need to get it on vinummusic, and link to it.

I can knock one up later if you say what you want.

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Re: URGENT in need of mod with this texture

Postby eie » 02.06.2015, 17:11

yes any mods would be sufficient. (Preferably an abstract one without too many detailed textures).

Name of the map: "78,5 %" if that helps you get a feel for a mod.

I tried making a .dds but I'm making the wrong type and I don't know what I am doing it's been too long since I into modding :s

I need this for building and testing. vinummusic can wait.

ok regards is from eie
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Re: URGENT in need of mod with this texture

Postby popgun » 02.06.2015, 20:00

Try this. I used to test with this mod. Its pretty plain, no complex textures, small file size and your 'clouds' added.

btw image file format is DXT1 ARGB 4bpp:1 bit alpha.
Also select No MIP maps.

You can drag this file into other mods moods folders to test it elsewhere.
If you want it in any others, let me know.

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Re: URGENT in need of mod with this texture

Postby eie » 03.06.2015, 13:55

Thanks a lot :))))))))

imo the mod is too detailed, so I'm gonna need to edit some of the textures: what textures are used for the ground? (Grass, TM-logo, etc)? I need this to be plain white and flat.
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Re: URGENT in need of mod with this texture

Postby eie » 05.06.2015, 20:20

omg is been more than eighty and fourty hours i am getting more desperater :v is need to be plain white.
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Re: URGENT in need of mod with this texture

Postby popgun » 06.06.2015, 08:47


For some reason your last 2 messages took days to get through!

I've stripped a lot of details from the mod and whitened it out a lot, but its difficult to see the mod with your 'clouds' as they are a major distraction.

Anyway, get it here:


Here it is without your clouds:

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Re: URGENT in need of mod with this texture

Postby eie » 06.06.2015, 11:12

It's looking really good ^^ Thanks for helping me :))) I'm gonna need the 'clouds' however, you'll understand why when I release

I have been building a bit with Kryw and fish's Blue mod while awaiting an answer, so I'll need 8-8-1 to be 100 % transparent (invisible) on the top and sides (the rods) and 8-7-2 to be 100 % transparent(invisible) on the outside.

And I noticed the grass is still green tinted in your mod; if this is not possible to change just make the ground a soft green colour. Not a very bright or vibrant, that would be difficult to play with I think.

There are still some tiles visible on the ground, the mod should use noise instead. There shouldn't be any pattern.

edit: if this could be done with dirt that would be nice too.
edit2: it would be nice if grass and dirt were same.

Less important:
At the moment the mod is a bit 'dull'. Everything is just white, except 8-7-2 has a bright blue transparent texture. While the white texture is really nice, there should be some blocks with vibrant colour. Like the zeppelin, castles, sculptures, pipes. If any of these share textures with platform blocks or the current glass texture on platform ramps, don't change these, as vibrant coloured blocks shouldn't be everywhere, but it helps distinguish some cps. A bit unsure about platform border blocks. So: more blocks like 8-7-2-blue.

I also made another sky texture which should be better to play with: (this I can change myself if necessary)
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Re: URGENT in need of mod with this texture

Postby popgun » 06.06.2015, 17:10


Lots of changes as per your instructions,

Get it here: http://www.cadify.co.uk/mods/TestplateMod.zip

Without the clouds here: http://www.cadify.co.uk/mods/TestplateModX.zip

Comments when ready.

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Re: URGENT in need of mod with this texture

Postby eie » 06.06.2015, 18:51

I love the vibrant colours ^^ and thanks a lot for what you've made :)) It's beginning to look really great!

But there is 3 things left:
"8-8-1 to be 100 % transparent (invisible) on the top and sides (the rods)"

these are still visible, and they should not be. From above you should see straight through these and not even know they are there.

"There are still some tiles visible on the ground, the mod should use noise instead. There shouldn't be any pattern.

I think StadiumGrassMask should have this noise texture. I might have been unclear: with no pattern I didn't mean all flat, just not anything a player could recognize as a pattern. The previous tilings was a clear pattern, but it should just be random noise as "pattern".

"edit2: it would be nice if grass and dirt were same."

I'm not sure if this last one is possible, and I'm sorry I edited a bit late. Not really sure if this one is necessary either so might just leave it out.

It seems the blue floor of the 8-8-1 block is white with stripes in this mod. This should not have a recognizable pattern, and should be noisy as dirt/grass.

"I'm not sure if this last one is possible, and I'm sorry I edited a bit late. Not really sure if this one is necessary either so might just leave it out."

Dirt should still have noise, if I was unclear, but does not have to be equal to grass.
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Re: URGENT in need of mod with this texture

Postby popgun » 07.06.2015, 17:48

Ok. Have a look at this and comment when ready.

"8-8-1 to be 100 % transparent (invisible) on the top and sides (the rods)" Done, but you will lose side detail on the chunky sculpture blocks too 8-3-1,2 etc.

Still not sure what you mean by pattern in the grass. The StadiumGrassStripe file created them the pattern from its noise texture, they were just scaled up as the image is stretched over the whole stadium field. Anyway I've removed the noise so the grass is plain and grey (removed the 'green' of the grass) and I've tried to match the shade with dirt.
If this isn't what you mean, let me know.

"blue floor of the 8-8-1 block should not have a recognizable pattern, and should be noisy" Done.

I've tweaked a few other things too.

http://www.cadify.co.uk/mods/TestplateMod.zip with clouds.

http://www.cadify.co.uk/mods/TestplateModX.zip without clouds.

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Re: URGENT in need of mod with this texture

Postby eie » 07.06.2015, 20:05

Wow really starting to look like something I can build with now ^^ It's looking great, thanks for you work :))

"Done, but you will lose side detail on the chunky sculpture blocks too 8-3-1,2 etc." This is fine, it just made it better imo ! :))

About the pattern on ground, this is kinda how I'd like it:

Currently the 8-8-1 ground is a good example too:

Current grass is a bit hard to see any noise, this should be a bit more apparent:

Current dirt doesn't have any pattern. This could have a lesser visible pattern, similar to current grass.

Last version grass was like current dirt, no pattern, so it has improved:

I maybe make update tomorrow is too late now. but THANKS !

ok edit-update: I think it's only what I've said about grass/dirt that's important, but now I've been through all the blocks and other than grass/dirt I'm unsure about the booster texture and maybe enginekill texture:

Enginekill booster could have a little more contrast, it's a bit hard too see the squares on these. Maybe a little more vivid and colourful like the other colourful blocks.

I don't know what is weird about the boosters, but they kinda seem too detailed, and is weird with text on them. The text seems redundant. I like the dirt-boosters a bit more, but the arrows seems a little too long. Maybe use a texture similar to the dirt boosters on road and platform boosters, with an arrow the size of the current road/platform-booster.

No need to change the dirt-boosters, as I'm unlikely to use dirt blocks, but it seems weird that the boosters have different textures.

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Re: URGENT in need of mod with this texture

Postby eie » 09.06.2015, 16:30

ok last thing: seems like the sky-thing was a little weird, as the black stripe on the edge wouldn't render, making a wider white stripe at one part. This should be better, but I have no idea of it work or not. It doesn't appear very often, so it's not a big deal: http://i.imgur.com/bRQ6oDC.png
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Re: URGENT in need of mod with this texture

Postby popgun » 09.06.2015, 22:34


Just for the interest of those following this thread.

Note I've updated this to better explain what I've found while fiddling with these textures, and I'd forgot about one of them too :).

There are 5 textures relating to the ground. Two are grass (StadiumGrass1 & 2), and 2 are dirt (StadiumDirt1 & 2), the 5th is StadiumGrassStripe.

The 2 dirt textures mix on hills and flat parts inside a fence. StadiumDirtMAsk which gives the tyre mark effects sits on top like a shadow. The image is stretched over an area of about 4.5 blocks square. You can mod it like any other files if you wanted other patterns.

The 2 grass textures mix on the field at soil level, and therefore sit under the grass. You can see it as you approach the stadium edges where the grass stops and a flat surface starts. StadiumGrassMask sits on top of grass and soil like a shadow effect. Again, this image is stretched over an area of about 4.5 blocks square. Its generally a grunge texture but you can add patterns to if you wanted.

The other way to add a texture to the actual grass is to use a big texture called StadiumGrassStripe which is stretched across the whole stadium area. No matter how small you crunch the pixels on this file they become large when stretched. They also affect the ground textures too but are more noticeable on the grass which tends to hide the soil level textures. A good example of this is on the Aqua mod. Look it up.

And so..

I'm finding eie's descriptions of what he wants a bit confusing compared to how I see the files.

And so, interpreting them the best I can,

1) I've grunged up the grass textures 1 & 2 (with noise) and colored them to match (almost) the dirt textures. I've also used similar noise textures on the dirt 1 & 2. The tyre marks still show, which I think is cool, although I could remove them.

Than I've reduce the noise clots on the StadiumGrassStripe and reduced its contrast so that it blurs slightly to mark the soil but isn't so obvious.
I've removed the grass completely, because it hides the two grass (soil) textures.
eie can add the grass back himself just by replacing my StadiumGrassFenceD,dds with the default texture, but it would hide the 'noisy' ground.

2) Booster texture and enginekill texture updated as requested.

3) Cloud texture updated.

Sorry I'm a bit late but I've been busy these last few days with a few other builders mod queries, and life in general.


If there is any interest from the wannebe modders out there, or modders unsure of more complicated graphics thingy's. Start a thread, call it 'Ask that popgun bloke' and ask the questions. I'll answer with as much detail as I can.

eie, comments when ready.



Last edited by popgun on 10.06.2015, 17:38, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: URGENT in need of mod with this texture

Postby eie » 10.06.2015, 14:02

What does 'StadiumGrassMask' do to grass?
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Re: URGENT in need of mod with this texture

Postby eie » 10.06.2015, 14:44

This image I posted was with grass: http://i.imgur.com/DNo0jd8.png so I don't think that would hide the grass soil too much. I think grass might help with the randomness and make patterns less visible.

"The tyre marks still show, which I think is cool, although I could remove them." I don't think these will be a problem, but maybe they make too much pattern. I will test this a bit later.

I can use this mod as it is now, so don't worry about another update, at least no hurry. It would be cool to see if the black stripes could be replaced with rainbow colours, either parallel or orthogonal to the stripes, just to see how it looks ^^ but as of now mod is complete, any other updates would just be to see how another thing might look. So thanks a lot for your work!

(If you decide to do another update, don't hurry, I'll probably make another feedback comment later or tomorrow; if not you may do as you wish)
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Re: URGENT in need of mod with this texture

Postby popgun » 10.06.2015, 17:43

"What does 'StadiumGrassMask' do to grass?"

Lol. I'd forgotten about that one because I never change it. I've updated my earlier post to include it.

Earlier versions had two different grass heights so try them if you have them backed up. File is StadiumGrassFenceD.dds.

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Re: URGENT in need of mod with this texture

Postby eie » 12.06.2015, 16:14

I made some other stripes:

The latter is my favourite.
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Re: URGENT in need of mod with this texture

Postby eie » 13.06.2015, 09:40

ok now I need a loc :v

the current mod I'm using pop's last version + i.imgur.com/weOY1wL.png as stripes.
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Re: URGENT in need of mod with this texture

Postby popgun » 13.06.2015, 17:18

Get the mod here:


I've added your sky as the correct file type and I'm surprised at how nice it looks compared to the 1st sky you sent. ;)
I've also changed the icon and loadscreen images to suit the new booster image.

This really need to go on vinummusic, where most mods are held. Can Hawkger or Ziza upload it please?
A locator for when it arrives on vinummusic is here:


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