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ESL is starting RPG cups - need builders

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ESL is starting RPG cups - need builders

Postby RPG-BLOG.bot » 06.08.2010, 12:04

<a href="http://trackmaniarpg.blogspot.com/search/label/ESL"><img src="http://www.vinummusik.de/Trackmania/ESL.png" class="headimg2" /></a>

More great news this day: an ESL admin has asked the RPG community to build maps for upcoming ESL RPG cups.

Here is a quote from a guy called "NOW" from his <a href="http://www.trackmania-rpg.com/p1395-esl-is-starting-rpg-cups.html#post1395">RPG forum post</a>:

<blockquote>Hey guys, iam an ESL Admin and we search RPG-Maps for Cups. Do you can build an RPG-Map for this? 60 Min time and after this 60 min win the 3 fastest times. The Map should be easy, but not to easy. In the Cups drive many rookies, so they must find the way. The Pros should be drive in they first try a time around 20 min. The rookies between 30-40 min. It would be great, if you can answer me ;)</blockquote>

The cups will be one Wednesday per month, and the first one will be on August 18th. As of right now, the cup is only for German, Austrian and Swiss players, but they are hoping to make it international.

I look forward to these ESL RPG cups anyway, and you can be sure that the RPG blog will cover them.

And as NOW states, they need builders, so if you are interested, this is the place to go: <a href="http://www.trackmania-rpg.com/256-esl-is-starting-rpg-cups.html">http://www.trackmania-rpg.com/256-esl-is-starting-rpg-cups.html</a>.<div class="blogger-post-footer"><img width='1' height='1' src='https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/tracker/5666217767742007162-9018711328213107272?l=trackmaniarpg.blogspot.com' alt='' /></div><p style="margin-top:10px;"><a class="externalURL" href="http://trackmaniarpg.blogspot.com/2010/08/esl-is-starting-rpg-cups-need-builders.html">wbb.feedPoster.more</a></p>
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