It was around these days we started the blog last year (or at least made it public), and I must say that RPG has grown really big. We've gotten a <a href="">forum</a>, <a href="">competitions</a>, RPG resource pages, maany pages of RPG servers, an <a href="">IRC channel</a>, <a href="">Mumble server</a>, the <a href="">RPG topic</a> on TMX has over 100 pages and <strong>60 000</strong> views and there are over <strong>2 000</strong> RPG tracks on TMX. So, like we did at the end of 2009, here are some statistics from the blog (data from the end of July 2009 to 4th August 2010).
There are <strong>117</strong> posts on the blog, we've gotten <strong>64 225</strong> visits, <strong>142 533</strong> pageviews. Below is a graph of visitors per day the last year. Almost all pictures in this post has a bigger version you can see by clicking the it.
<div class="cntr"><a href="" rel="lightbox[oneyear]"><img src="" /></a></div>
<strong>52.53%</strong> of our visitors use Mozilla Firefox, while <strong>23.57</strong><strong>%</strong> use Internet Explorer. <strong>98.12%</strong> of our visitors use a Windows operating system and the most used screen resolution is (sadly) 1280x1024, with <strong>21.40%</strong> of all the visits.
<div class="cntr"><a href="" rel="lightbox[oneyear]"><img src="" /></a></div>
<strong>28.84%</strong> of the visists came from Google, <strong>27.79%</strong> came directly, while <strong>22.85%</strong> came from TMX.
<div class="cntr"><img src="" /></div>
The most used Google keywords that has led people onto the blog is "trackmania rpg", "trackmania rpg blog" and "rpg trackmania".
Our most popular pages are the <a href="">front page</a> (<strong>45 752</strong> views), the <a href="">mod page</a> (<strong>27 003</strong> views) and the <a href="">overview of RPG tracks page</a> (<strong>14 143</strong> views).
Germany is the country giving most visits (<strong>15 383</strong> visits), with France on the second place (<strong>8 707</strong> visits) and Czech Republic on the third place with <strong>5 201</strong> visits.
<div class="cntr"><a href="" rel="lightbox[oneyear]"><img src="" /></a></div>
You want to know more about "your" country, "your resolution" etc.? Drop me a comment ^^.<div class="blogger-post-footer"><img width='1' height='1' src='' alt='' /></div><p style="margin-top:10px;"><a class="externalURL" href="">weiterlesen</a></p>