The voting for the RPG track building contest #2 has ended yesterday and the results are set. But first I want to thank all the people who voted:<strong> koek-trommel, kiter_g1234, luffy-greece, ZuLu, Tabasco, Realized2, Nyrbius, Tiji78, Anonymous, NomNom, MankeMongel, SideWinder, Speed, duiveltje1990, caveman3 and DIABLO-ITA</strong>.
Including me that's 17 people who combined submitted a total of 170 votes.
I hope all the voters had fun testing and judging the tracks and above all I too hope that the builders enjoyed creating tracks for this contest likewise.
Now for the interesting part. Here are the results:
<span style="font-size:100%;"><span style="font-weight: bold;">1st Place:</span>
</span><span style="font-size:100%;">Mahadevi's Gardens by Nunquam: </span><span style="font-size:100%;">79,9 avg.
<span style="font-weight: bold;">2nd Place:</span>
Medusa by VKLF: 77,8 avg.
<span style="font-weight: bold;">3rd Place:</span>
Lutenx by Igntul: 75,4 avg.
<span style="font-weight: bold;">4th Place:</span>
Space Invaders by Fish: 74 avg.
<span style="font-weight: bold;">5th Place:</span>
Jamaica Island by moi57: 72,3 avg.
<span style="font-weight: bold;">6:</span> Building an RPG by rtv: 71,2 avg.
<span style="font-weight: bold;">7:</span> Spell my name by Stromek: 70,8 avg.
<span style="font-weight: bold;">8:</span> Kvwoos by Igntul: 68,3 avg.
<span style="font-weight: bold;">9:</span> Ming's Biosphere by Golo: 67,6 avg.
<span style="font-weight: bold;">10:</span> Bleakhouse by Popgun: 64,3 avg.
<span style="font-weight: bold;">11:</span> The Dragon Talisman by Trunks_11: 60,5 avg.
<span style="font-weight: bold;">12:</span> F.B.I Dossier 9117 by HouseKeepR: 60,3 avg.
<span style="font-weight: bold;">13:</span> TM cry II restricted area by Fish: 57,4
<span style="font-weight: bold;">14:</span> Mayan Temple by Promaxer: 57,2 avg.
<span style="font-weight: bold;">15:</span> Mysterious Box by Brainmaster: 50,5 avg.
<span style="font-weight: bold;">16:</span> Respect by Airon': 37,6 avg.
I would say that was a pretty close race, with only a 22 points difference between the first and 14th place. </span><span style="font-size:100%;">So congrats to Nunquam for winning the contest and VKLF, Igntul, Fish and moi57 for being close behind.
Prizes will be given out as following as soon as I have your logins:
</span><ol style="list-style-type: decimal;"><li><span style="font-size:100%;">40 000 coppers *</span></li><li><span style="font-size:100%;">30 000 coppers *
</span></li><li><span style="font-size:100%;">15 000 coppers *
</span></li><li><span style="font-size:100%;">10 000 coppers</span></li><li><span style="font-size:100%;">5000 coppers
</span></li></ol><span style="font-size:100%;">*In case coppers cannot be received, we will send a <a href="tmtp:///:generations-digitales">Generations Digitales</a> DVD</span><div class="blogger-post-footer"><img width='1' height='1' src='' alt='' /></div><p style="margin-top:10px;"><a class="externalURL" href="">wbb.feedPoster.more</a></p>