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Mvt-World-Cup RPG Nov, 2014

Mvt-World-Cup RPG Nov, 2014

Postby anakinskywalker » 29.08.2014, 16:43


Inglish versión:

hi guys, we present the global tournament will take place rpg day, November 18, 2014.
days and times.

days of classification:
NOV 18, 00:01 to 23:59. 1ªlocal and 2ªlocal be classified
NOV 19, 00:01 to 23:59. 1ªlocal and 2ªlocal be classified
NOV 20, 00:01 to 23:59. 1ªlocal and 2ªlocal be classified
NOV 21, 00:01 to 23:59. 1ªlocal and 2ªlocal be classified
NOV 22, 00:01 to 23:59. 1ªlocal and 2ªlocal be classified
NOV 23, 00:01 to 23:59. 1ªlocal and 2ªlocal be classified
NOV 24, 00:01 to 23:59. 1ªlocal and 2ªlocal be classified
NOV 25, 00:01 to 23:59. 1ªlocal and 2ªlocal be classified
NOV 26, 00:01 to 23:59. 1ªlocal and 2ªlocal be classified
NOV 27, 00:01 to 23:59. 1ªlocal and 2ªlocal be classified

- 20 players for the semi-finals.
-------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------
days of semi-finals:

NOV 29, 00:01 to 23:59. 1ªlocal and 2ªlocal be classified.
NOV 30, 00:01 to 23:59. 1ªlocal and 2ªlocal be classified.
DEC 1, 00:01 to 23:59. 1ªlocal and 2ªlocal be classified.
DEC 2, 00:01 to 23:59. 1ªlocal and 2ªlocal be classified.
DEC 3, 00:01 to 23:59. 1ªlocal and 2ªlocal be classified.

- 10 players to the final
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Final day:

DEC 4, 00:01 to 23:59. 1ªlocal and 2ªlocal be classified.
-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------
All times GMT + 1

- Cuts permitted
- Cheats no permited (reason for disqualification)
- QUALIFE player not count for the following days of classification
- Not mandatory, but appreciated the free player put a green Q at the end of your nick.
- The classified will be announced in a parallel to this post.
- The tournament organizer take a green A, at the end of your nick and did not participate
- New maps, tournament prior mappers

-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------


1st = 20,000 coppers and gold tag
2nd = 15.000 coppers and gold tag
3rd = 13,000 coppers and gold tag
4th = 10.000 coppers and gold tag
5th = 9.000 coppers and gold tag
6th = 8.000 coppers and silver tag
7th = 7.000 coppers and silver tag
8th = 6.000 coppers and silver tag
9th = 5.000 coppers and silver tag
10th = 4,000 coppers and silver tag

- From 11th to 20th Place one tag bronze

-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------
- You can donate coppers in the account (tuho_ov)
- The server will be put in a few days
-------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------

to register
published in this post
send your login and nick TrackMania

(ex: login: Elpolloloco2036
nick: Mvt-Anakin)

- I hope everyone


hola chicos, os presentamos el torneo mundial de rpg que tendrá lugar el dia, 18 de noviembre de 2014.
dias y horarios.
dias de clasificacion:

18 NOV, a las 00:01 hasta 23:59. 1ªlocal y 2ªlocal se clasificaran
19 NOV, a las 00:01 hasta 23:59. 1ªlocal y 2ªlocal se clasificaran
20 NOV, a las 00:01 hasta 23:59. 1ªlocal y 2ªlocal se clasificaran
21 NOV, a las 00:01 hasta 23:59. 1ªlocal y 2ªlocal se clasificaran
22 NOV, a las 00:01 hasta 23:59. 1ªlocal y 2ªlocal se clasificaran
23 NOV, a las 00:01 hasta 23:59. 1ªlocal y 2ªlocal se clasificaran
24 NOV, a las 00:01 hasta 23:59. 1ªlocal y 2ªlocal se clasificaran
25 NOV, a las 00:01 hasta 23:59. 1ªlocal y 2ªlocal se clasificaran
26 NOV, a las 00:01 hasta 23:59. 1ªlocal y 2ªlocal se clasificaran
27 NOV, a las 00:01 hasta 23:59. 1ªlocal y 2ªlocal se clasificaran

- 20 jugadores para la semi-final.
dias de semi-final:

29 NOV, a las 00:01 hasta 23:59. 1ªlocal y 2ªlocal se clasificaran.
30 NOV, a las 00:01 hasta 23:59. 1ªlocal y 2ªlocal se clasificaran.
1 DIC, a las 00:01 hasta 23:59. 1ªlocal y 2ªlocal se clasificaran.
2 DIC, a las 00:01 hasta 23:59. 1ªlocal y 2ªlocal se clasificaran.
3 DIC, a las 00:01 hasta 23:59. 1ªlocal y 2ªlocal se clasificaran.

- 10 jugadores a la final

dia de final:

4 DIC, a las 00:01 hasta 23:59. 1ªlocal y 2ªlocal se clasificaran.
todos los horarios GMT+1

- Cuts permitidos
- Cheats no permited ( motivo de descalificacion)
- jugador qualife, no contara para los siguientes dias de clasificacion
- no es obligatorio, pero se agradece que el jugador clasificado ponga una Q verde al final de su nick.
- los clasificados se anunciaran en un post paralelo a este.
- el organizador del torneo llevara una A verde, al final de su nick y no participara
- nuevos maps, torneo de mappers previo
- los mappers no podran clasificarse en sus mappas



1ª = 20.000 coppers, y tag de oro
2ª = 15.000 coppers, y tag de oro
3ª = 13.000 coppers, y tag de oro
4ª = 10.000 coppers, y tag de oro
5ª = 9.000 coppers, y tag de oro
6ª = 8.000 coppers, y tag de plata
7ª = 7.000 coppers, y tag de plata
8ª = 6.000 coppers, y tag de plata
9ª = 5.000 coppers, y tag de plata
10ª = 4.000 coppers, y tag de plata

- del 11ª al 20ª Place un tag de bronce

- podeis donar coppers en la cuenta (tuho_ov)
- el server se pondra dentro de unos dias

para inscribirte
publica en este mismo post
manda tu login y tu nick TrackMania
(ex: login: Elpolloloco2036
nick: Mvt-Anakin)

- os esperamos a todos
Last edited by anakinskywalker on 30.08.2014, 13:28, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 4
Joined: 29.08.2014, 16:32

Re: Mvt-World-Cup RPG Nov, 2014

Postby Pulse Ziza » 30.08.2014, 12:18

nice to see ppl still motivated to manage contest, rpg player are a bit inactive atm; but well, wait and see.... i will register probably
Pulse Ziza
Posts: 26
Joined: 16.03.2014, 09:40

Re: Mvt-World-Cup RPG Nov, 2014

Postby Thomatos » 02.09.2014, 11:13

login: thomatos
nick: pulse. thom
Posts: 25
Joined: 07.02.2011, 21:02

Re: Mvt-World-Cup RPG Nov, 2014

Postby Pulse Ziza » 10.09.2014, 20:52

humm...... that is what i was speaking about :|
Pulse Ziza
Posts: 26
Joined: 16.03.2014, 09:40

Re: Mvt-World-Cup RPG Nov, 2014

Postby berk1n » 12.09.2014, 18:44

login: berk1n
nick: lfl >> berkin
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Posts: 25
Joined: 30.11.2011, 19:48

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