- 8 new hunting maps: The two best times of every map are qualified for finals. - On Hunting maps 3,4 and 5, top 2 best times will qualify, and also Top1 Rank will go to the finals. Same for 6,7 and 8. - 2 new pathfinding maps: First finisher of the map will be qualified and also two best times are qualified for finals. - 1 new Turtle map. Two best times are qualified for finals. - Builders can't qualify on his own map. - An already qualified player, won't count on the next qualification maps. - Maps will be released always at 18:00h or 19:00h (Spain time). - 3 hours playtime.
Trial Contest System:
- 1 Trial Week. - 4 maps will be played. - 5 days will be played in Time Attack Mode and Saturday/Sunday will be on Rounds Mode. - Each map will be played 3 times in Rounds mode. Finish timeout will be set with 20 minutes. - If rounds finishes with equal points between players at Top5, an unique last round will decide who wons between them. - Player with most points will win Time Attack phase. - No qualification for Finals here. - 3 hours playtime. - Points will be given in this format:
- 1 Final Week with 26 finalists. - 4 maps will be played. - Player with most points will win this cup. - Unqualified players won't interfer with finalists. Their local records will be deleted before I make results. - 5 days will be played in Time Attack Mode and Friday/Saturday will be on Rounds Mode. - Each map will be played 3 times in Rounds mode. Finish timeout will be set with 20 minutes. - 3:30 hours playtime. - Points will be given in this format:
- MT Cuts not allowed. - Cuts and altways are allowed. - Cheating is NOT allowed, for anything. - If you are the WR in any of the cup tracks, please, upload your replay to TMX. - Also, upload your replay on the map you qualified, please. - Qualified players can put Q1, Q2, Q3... on their nick. For example, at first map, Top1 can put Q1, Top2, Q2, on the second map, Top1, Q3... -RPG Spain players (just beta-testers) don't count on any contest of this cup.
Best map: 20000cc + Gold Tag 2nd map: 15000cc + Gold Tag 3rd map: 10000cc + Gold Tag 4th: 5000cc + Gold Tag 5th: 3000cc + Silver Tag 6th: Silver Tag 7th: Silver Tag 8th-15th: Bronze Tag
Trial Builders:
Best map: 20000cc + Gold Tag 2nd: 15000cc + Silver Tag 3rd: 10000cc + Silver Tag 4th: 5000cc + Bronze Tag
Trial Time Attack Rank 1: 20000cc + Gold Tag Rank 2: 12000cc + Silver Tag Rank 3: 8000cc + Silver Tag Rank 4: 3000cc + Bronze Tag Rank 5: Bronze Tag
Trial Rounds Rank 1: 20000cc + Gold Tag Rank 2: 12000cc + Silver Tag Rank 3: 8000cc + Silver Tag Rank 4: 3000cc + Bronze Tag Rank 5: Bronze Tag
Final: (Time attack + Rounds)
Rank 1: 50000cc + Gold Tag Rank 2: 35000cc + Gold Tag Rank 3: 20000cc + Gold Tag Rank 4: 12000cc + Silver Tag Rank 5: 9000cc + Silver Tag Rank 6: 6000cc + Silver Tag Rank 7: 4000cc + Silver Tag Rank 8: Silver Tag Rank 9: Silver Tag Rank 10: Silver Tag Rank 11-26: Bronze Tag
Final Time Attack:
Rank 1: 20000cc + Gold Tag Rank 2: 12000cc + Silver Tag Rank 3: 8000cc + Silver Tag Rank 4: 3000cc + Bronze Tag Rank 5: Bronze Tag
Final Rounds:
Rank 1: 20000cc + Gold Tag Rank 2: 12000cc + Silver Tag Rank 3: 8000cc + Silver Tag Rank 4: 3000cc + Bronze Tag Rank 5: Bronze Tag
Rank (Need to play at least 11 maps out of 15):
Rank 1: 30000cc + Gold Tag Rank 2: 20000cc + Gold Tag Rank 3: 15000cc + Gold Tag Rank 4: 10000cc + Silver Tag Rank 5: 8000cc + Silver Tag Rank 6: 6000cc + Silver Tag Rank 7: 5000cc + Silver Tag Rank 8: 4000cc + Bronze Tag Rank 9: 3000cc + Bronze Tag Rank 10: Bronze Tag
*Trial maps don't count.
- No registration needed. Just join and play!
- Server Name: Яקפ׀׀׀ Spring Cup 2014 - Add favourite link: tmtp://#addfavourite=rpgTournament - Direct Join link: tmtp://#join=rpgTournament
Added rounds on RPG Final maps. Rounds will be played at 18h (not 100% sure, can be changed if there's better hour). 2nd pathfinder starting hour changed to 18:00h.
Yes, it will be delayed to tomorrow. TM bugged again and just Nations-accounts can join.. Time Attack will be played until Sunday at 20h, and Rounds will be played at 20h (if today it's impossible to play..) You can join the server with a Nations account, but your times won't count, obviously.
PS: You can keep training offline, or join with Nations, just to train.