...with HawkGer's Titlepack the True potential of the Mainaplanet is beginning to show...
Agreed about the RPG Titlepack showing the potential of MP and while i personally think that without HawkGer's passion and commitment for TM RPG during the last 5-6 years TrackmaniaRPG would not be what it is today...
...when talking about the mind-blowing RPG Titlepack all three 'Titans' of the RPG Titlepack shall be named...all the time :- > ... calling it HawkGer's Titlepack would doing a disservice to the 'magnificent three' ^^
ZiZa and maxi031 are equal partners in the 'Triumvirate' as far as i can tell...
...i am still in awe about the clickable CP-Plugin ZiZa programmed (to select whom to spectate)...
...ZiZa did the majority of coding, maxi031 also codes...one of the crucial things maxi031 did code, is the 'Convert Assistant' ... among countless other 3D objects, maxi031 created the pipes so many people love...and while doing all this still took the time to build the uber-amazing 'Sanctum Mire'...
...i think HawkGer would be the first to say that calling it 'HawkGer's Titlepack' would be leaving out two very important people...we owe these three guys so much, we should not forget to give credit to ZiZa and maxi031
Let's have fun! I know i do !
Love your spirit
'Post scriptum' and not to be rude: Hello and welcome, Crunch ^_^