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Present your finished tracks in here


Postby Rapolution » 15.04.2014, 08:12

Now available on servers ;)
yesterday I released my new track which is too big to add to to a server :? ... but you can play it offline :)

Let's start with the informations for the track :wink:
Length: 5 min
Disp. Cost: 25000
Mood: Sunset
Mod: RPG_EmeraldRally_v1
Diff.: Intermediate
Hidden eastereggs: 1
Mainpage of the track: http://tm.mania-exchange.com/tracks/view/62420
Pathfinding level: 3 of 5

The track has no story, but I hope that the enviroment helps you to imagine a story. It's my 2nd RPG.
I hope you like it. There are some hidden ways and a CP-Counter. I hope its not too dark...

Now, take a look on the screens :P






Thanks for taking the time to read this post. Maybe i'll see some new downloads or comments on my track :wink:
Good luck and have fun

Rapo :P
Last edited by Rapolution on 15.04.2014, 19:22, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [RPG]|Suburb

Postby Geekthenet » 15.04.2014, 08:18

Why is it too "big"? :o
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Re: [RPG]|Suburb

Postby Rapolution » 15.04.2014, 08:27

Because the dirt hill has too sides, otherwise the caves looks very bad :/ It's just 40-60 kb too big
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Re: [RPG]|Suburb

Postby ChaosHand » 15.04.2014, 11:27

I did not test the map yet, but removing some of thoose unnecessary stones could help to create a version we can drive on the servers ;)
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Re: [RPG]|Suburb

Postby Cas... » 15.04.2014, 13:09

I've started testing it offline. Very good! It starts of easy, I was thinking to myself "this is not 3/5 in pathfinidng". But I shouldn't have said that, should not have said that. :lol:
Because minutes later I got stuck at cp 14 and I had to give up. I couldn't see a way to make it altho i think i know where the next cp was (graveyard).

So if you have any tips on how to get there or upload a replay would be nice ^^

Otherwise atmosphere is great and everything is well clear and visible. Great job. Maybe some MT would have been nice but it isn't bad for not being there.
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Re: [RPG]|Suburb

Postby Rapolution » 15.04.2014, 13:57

Most of the stones are necessary, otherwise there would be a gap around the hill.

Soon i'll upload a replay, then you'll see where to go ;) I dont want to write it here because other people wants to search it by theirself.

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Re: [RPG]|Suburb

Postby Cas... » 15.04.2014, 14:10

Yeah no problem. I'l keep trying, maybe i'll find a way to do it. If not I'll be more than happy when you upload that replay or someone else does ^^
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Re: [RPG]|Suburb

Postby HawkGer » 15.04.2014, 16:03

Protip: you can point the snapshot camera to a 100% black spot in your map and you will save a few kb. Dunno if it will be enough though.
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Re: [RPG]|Suburb

Postby Rapolution » 15.04.2014, 17:58

Hey hawkger,
ziza gave me the same tip but it just saves 9 kb... not enough :/
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Re: [RPG]|Suburb

Postby Rapolution » 15.04.2014, 18:57

now i've changed the screenshot of the map (on mx) and erased a tree and and and....
Now i'll validate it and then you can play it on ziza's pub or any other server :) give me some minutes


and thanks to Hawkger
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