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The New Board - A few things to be done

The New Board - A few things to be done

Postby HawkGer » 17.03.2014, 03:57

If you guys should encounter any problems with the new board please report in this thread.

Some things didn't get converted correctly during the conversion from the old board, for example the tag.
If someone is willing to go through all posts in the forum to fix stuff that looks messed up, please pm me :)

I'm working on trying to add autoscale for images right now btw.
And ofc if you have any wishes / suggestions also just post in this thread.

Cheers Hawk
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Re: The New Board - A few things to be done

Postby Clith » 17.03.2014, 09:24

Log me on automatically at each visit isn't working for me for some reason

Also, a quick reply box would be nice to save on page loads.
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Re: The New Board - A few things to be done

Postby trunks_11 » 17.03.2014, 10:25

Great job Hawk,
I didn't recognise any bad problemes yet and the board itself looks very comfortable.
Except of a very small additional character bug (the only one I found) seems the conversion to has been very succesful.

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Re: The New Board - A few things to be done

Postby XT3 » 17.03.2014, 14:30

I can tell you some coding will be needed for the image resizing Hawk. Not sure if it is already in the PHP database but I Know it would most likely need some other coding math equation. If statements.... or cases. Like you need to set the main if statement if the image is greater than the width of the message that it is resized to the max width porporently. :D

So I can give an example. Mostly likely you can do this with JavaScript, PHP or even Less CSS.

So if the comments max width is only 700px and the width of the image is lets say 1000px. So you need to use an equation to scale it back top 700px with the height scaled. That way the image qautility is high.

One other opation is using CSS to scale all images in the Comment section back to fit on the page regardless if the image fits. Those that'll effect t all of them unless with can add a class to our images to scale them back. :lol:
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Re: The New Board - A few things to be done

Postby HawkGer » 17.03.2014, 16:25

Thanks trunks for pointing out that error. I forgot to rename some forum descriptions for some reason ^^

@Clith: yeah, we are looking into that problem. I do get logged out all the time as well. Quick reply would be nice indeed.

Edit: that was easy...Quick Reply is added to all forums now :)
Edit: autologin should be fixed now - or I hope it is!? I'm not sure...
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Re: The New Board - A few things to be done

Postby Geekthenet » 17.03.2014, 18:43

Autologin is most of the time due to your own browser or to the server hosting the forum.

I didn't see any bugs
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Re: The New Board - A few things to be done

Postby Footler » 18.03.2014, 12:03

HawkGer wrote:Edit: autologin should be fixed now - or I hope it is!? I'm not sure...

Yea, works fine now.. great job :wink:
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Re: The New Board - A few things to be done

Postby HawkGer » 18.03.2014, 17:13

Active Topics feature enabled now - thanks to occam for mentioning it :)
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