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Requests and ideas for mods/objects/tracks/MT/screens etc.


Postby AlexOoR » 03.03.2014, 22:17

I wanted to know if someone had already had the idea of ??creating 3d blocks that add some lights in the game, because I think that there is not enough "block light" in the editor :/
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Joined: 03.03.2014, 22:13

Postby XT3 » 03.03.2014, 23:46

Yes it has and i believe that those kind of blocks will be on Maniaplanet in a new update
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Postby N00BYZOR » 04.03.2014, 00:01

In my opinion we need curved slope blocks, because the only ones we have are the officials ones...
And indeed light blocks would be really handy and nice :)

Edit: I mean curved slope with different angles, in order to make jumps. I know there are already some curved blocks but they are only 90
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