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Menu for your TitlePack

This Forum is dedicated to the TM² RPG TitlePack

Menu for your TitlePack

Postby rycardoo » 12.01.2014, 10:36

There is some sample menu for TitlePack Trackmania 2?
I'm lost and need help with this part. ?(
Thanks for the help :)
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Postby HawkGer » 12.01.2014, 11:00

Our server is currently down, that's why you don't see anything in the titlepack menu except for the standard buttons. Once the server is back up (hopefully today) everything will be back to normal.
Or what is it you are having problems with? Dunno if I understood your question correctly...
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Postby rycardoo » 12.01.2014, 11:30

"Create a custom menu for my Title Pack"

I think I explained myself wrong.
I hope that I can now understand what I really want

Ty HawkGer
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Postby HawkGer » 12.01.2014, 15:04

ah, now I get your question.
But I guess I have to disappoint you. There is no sample menu for titlepacks available afaik.
Menus have to be scripted in ManiaScript I believe, which unfortunately is not well documented.
I don't know much about this myself....Ziza was the one who scripted the RPG titlepack menu ;)
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Postby rycardoo » 12.01.2014, 16:14

ok friend no problem.
I'll wait something about it
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Postby ZiZa » 12.01.2014, 19:28


The main menu of a titlepack is basicly a manialink. So you can design anything you want, you can keep the style of Stadium/Canyon for example, or you do something completely custommade like we did with the RPG titlepack menu. Search the tm wiki and the maniaplanet forum, you should be able to find infos there. If you want advanced features like interactive stuff, dynamic information(like our news, tracks and mods-section) you have to code some ManiaScript, which sadly is not documented very well. Again, mainiaplanet forum is the place to get infos and help for this.

greetings, ZiZa
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Postby rycardoo » 13.01.2014, 12:33

Ty info :)
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