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Help with finding/making mod? "The Cube"

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Help with finding/making mod? "The Cube"

Postby zipzapd » 11.12.2013, 15:31


I'm making a map based on the film "The Cube 2"
The map will have 4x4x4 = 64 rooms oriented in x,y,z axes -. All rooms together make one big cube.
Each room is 7*7*5 blocks.
I use RPG-titlepack.
The main buildingblock for the walls are the standard block 5-2-1

I need a good mod for this : the graphics from the film : see here : http://racketlord.files.wordpress.com/2010/05/ab_hypercube.jpg

Maybe someone wants to help out? Either suggestion of existing mod or maybe make a mod?
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Joined: 02.03.2013, 09:32

Postby eie » 11.12.2013, 16:42

Baron made a nice map with this mod once.

Unfortunately it seems his locator is dead :s

That's why we always have a mirror :)

This is unfortunately a TMNF/TMUF mod, and wouldn't really be compatible with the title pack, so someone would have to convert it :s
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Postby XT3 » 11.12.2013, 17:35

I'd Convert it but I have three mods to convert already. UnderTheSeas[TM2] which is almost done with the object update and my Ghost's Lantern Mod and a surprise gift
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Postby zipzapd » 11.12.2013, 20:56

okey. Thx guyz. I will se what I'll do......
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Joined: 02.03.2013, 09:32

Postby XT3 » 11.12.2013, 21:25

I could do it but it would be later. it seems like I'm converting lots of old mods! :) If there isnt much to change like Grass and Dirt then i could get one out fast I'll Check it later to Day. :D
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