eie wrote:I made a draft list of the track types, what do you think of it? anything missing? anything should be placed in another difficulty?
Intro map.
Forward pipe.
backwards driving.
Normal pipe turning.
wallrides against a wall.
narrow roads.
Pipe turning with vertical pipe obstacle.
jumping/dropping from narrow road to platform.
booster drifting.
easy turtling.
advanced pathfinding.
Pipe dropping.
jumping/dropping from narrow roads to to narrow road.
wallrides and getting on a wallride. (Not sure if possible in TM2?)
hard turtling.
Mix of all stunts.
I was thinking solo mode would be for beginners to RPG so they could learn and practice RPG tricks. If people want to play normal maps they can always go on a server, but there have never been any servers to help people practice tricks?Mario wrote:Its a solo mode, not a tutorial, imo tutorial is ok for white, but then it should be normal maps.
eie wrote:I'm hoping we get another mod, because default isn't really a mod, and thus not in the style of RPG. I think white should be GM, because that's the first major mod of TM, and players could be presented with that first =)
black could be a fire or ice mod, to reference Oach or hof (if we ever get such a mod ^^)
I like under the seas for blue, since sea is blue =)
Another trick for white or green: forced camera perspective. if you by example is force to watch you car from the front or something.
eie wrote:We already have GM=Grande Muraille? we would just need another mod for green, but we can make those maps last and hope someone make a mod till then, or you could if you have the time
This one is for sure. I think driving inside pipes can make a nice map =) and we've just got half of the objects.GSNPaul wrote:And also one general point: as we are now playing in a new game and there are tons of new objects, some of the tricks on that list might actually be very rarely used in new tracks. Vice versa (and more importantly) there might be new tricks/techniques/block combinations becoming very popular in the months to come. So at some point it could very well be that the solo campaign needs to be extended.
great =)) I'm sure we have enough time to wait for nice modsXT3 wrote:I GOT GOOD NEWS FOR YOU.I got two in mind. One I have released Ghost's Lantern. I can finally update the mod for the blocks and then its done after I remake the moods. Plus I have a new present that I can convert as well. Its special and one kind I haven't seen in a long time plus I added a lot but I'd need time to recreate the same effects for that one. :wacko:
Could maybe be nice. But what does he know about RPG :crazy:Shortz wrote:or we ask nadeo, I know the mapper from all those nadeo maps if he want to help us. Would be maybe very funny.
I'm not sure if Papychampy would be up for that. He told me he's already really busy at the moment, making looong hours. He's mostly the last guy to leave the 'nadeolive' building every afternoon.. Would still be really cool to see some maps by him, I'm sure he would do an amazing job. =)Shortz wrote:or we ask nadeo, I know the mapper from all those nadeo maps if he want to help us. Would be maybe very funny.
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