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RPG custom objects ideas thread

Requests and ideas for mods/objects/tracks/MT/screens etc.

Postby HawkGer » 05.04.2013, 11:43

It's a bit hard to see from so far away but it's looking nice so far.
Make sure to match the height of this block to other blocks, for example to the CircuitBase, the it would need to be 8 in heigt (or 16 for double height). Looking forward to more objects from you :thumbup:

Btw. here are some screens of some of my new objects:
All gatered in one place (some are bugged as you can see):
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Postby Panasco » 05.04.2013, 16:59

That's just so sick :dead: :dead: ...looks like taken from a movie :hail:
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Postby occam » 05.04.2013, 19:00

HawkGer wrote:Btw. here are some screens of some of my new objects:

wow, when one thought your objects couldn't get any better you release even more amazing stuff...and your cathedrals are just...majestic :- D


HawkGer wrote:...for measuring block sizes you can use my ruler object for measuring directly ingame:


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Postby eie » 06.04.2013, 22:45

Can we have more triangles, they're more useful than squares imo. Equiliteral triangles, isosceles triangles, pythgorean triangles(joke), scalenes triangles. With triangles you can make squares and hexagons.

Please see that my suggestion of pythagorean triangles was a joke. If anyone dares making a pythagorean triangle I will come and make sure you never make a pythagorean triangle ever again.

I don't hate you if you make pythagorean triangles, but this is just a personal thing between me, and those pythagorean triangles, and I don't wish to drag anyone into this. So please let it be.

I've said earlier I've wished to make models myself, but alas I'm currently busy with being busy(school).
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Postby HawkGer » 07.04.2013, 01:50

Triangles will be included in the simple shapes category for sure :-)
One screen before I go to bed:
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Postby occam » 07.04.2013, 03:59

eie wrote:...a personal thing between me, and those pythagorean triangles...
for you eie: surveillance footage of the enemy :D


HawkGer wrote: One screen before I go to bed:

i am getting seriously addicted to my daily dose of HawkGer 3D object news ^^
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Postby JumperJack » 07.04.2013, 06:21

occam wrote: i am getting seriously addicted to my daily dose of HawkGer 3D object news ^^

yep. i cannot wait until i have enough free time to dive into this as well... :D
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Postby eie » 09.04.2013, 21:35

I was just thinking, we do have a lot of driving-stuff, but what about crates, barrels, rope, chairs, tables and other furniture? Even an object as simple as a piece of paper would be really nice to use in a story map:

*You found a piece of paper on the table."
"You cut of some rope"
"That plastic chair just destroyed your car. please respawn"
"This path is blocked by crates, try finding an alternative route"
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Postby HawkGer » 11.04.2013, 01:39

yeah eie we should make such objects....only we should keep it as customizable as possible. For example a barrel might be useful in a city mod but in Ancient environments it would feel out of place. With a mod you could turn it into a drum or something ^^
Also we don't really need to make any chairs or tables...you can assemble them from basic shapes very easily.

Btw. I made your loop you suggested totally by accident. Only when I finished those blocks did I realize that they could be assembled into a loop. Only had to make the transition then...and done:

It's not very smooth though :(

I hope this lessens your withdrawal symptoms a bit occam, I'm too lazy to post anything more right now ^^
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Postby eie » 11.04.2013, 12:40

From Wikipedia
The barrel was most likely invented in the Balkan area. Even though Herodotus mentions palm-wood casks used in shipping Armenian wine to Babylon in Mesopotamia, the barrel as we know it today was most likely developed by the Celts. Around 350 BC they were already using watertight, barrel-shaped wooden containers that were able to withstand stress and could be rolled and stacked.

I'm thinking you meant metal barrels perhaps, but I don't see why age-specific objects are a no-no. Things like lamp posts have only existed for about 140 years old, but I think it's things like that, that could make DRIV3R and other city themed maps a whole lot better. Maybe have an age-tag so people don't make historically incorrect maps though? XD

Things like cardboard boxes, if modded, could be a stone block in the ancient ages though, but I definitively think that as a start we should have the most general things. Keep up the good work :thumbup:
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Postby HawkGer » 14.04.2013, 00:18

yeah eie, I didn't say that age-specific objects are a no-go...only that if the opportunity permits it that we should make them as customizable as possible ;)

I wasted two days while fighting with 3ds max (this software really is a piece of crap) ....but now I'm back on track with some more objects...
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Postby occam » 14.04.2013, 01:07

Ista obiecta sunt intemperatae infigo :thumbsup: translation
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Postby Mario » 14.04.2013, 02:45

Wow, great work there!
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Postby HawkGer » 16.04.2013, 17:56

I'm working on a fully customizable cave/canyon system right now. It's so much work...spent hours upon hours on it already.
Here are a few screens:

(those objects are not really textured yet...that's why they look a bit strange)

This one is just a freak accident but looks kinda cool:
We could make amazing exterior views with things like that....
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Postby occam » 16.04.2013, 18:09

great cave-elements and amazing looking ''freak accident'' :)
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Postby eie » 16.04.2013, 20:04

That freak accident looks really awesome :O I really like the idea of being a really tiny car driving in a gigantic building where you could literally explore for hours ^^

Those cave-tunnels looks nice too, but is it relatively easy to drive on them? An accidental flip upside down is a serious issue when driving maps, and a weird bump can easily cause that.

Other than that, I give only compliments.

Also, just a small unrelated note: Could we have a database for textures?
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Postby maxi031 » 16.04.2013, 20:58

Very nice golden caves hawk :).
I think relaxing some uws could fix those deformations in textures.
Do they all match sizes 32/64..., or they have each its own unique size?
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Postby HawkGer » 16.04.2013, 21:31

okay maxi, we will have to chat about those UWs some more ^^
I made two size sets now, one based on a 32x16x16 slope and the other on a 32x32x24 slope.
In reality they are 1.35 shorter in width though because I need some free space to make all objects connect properly. This idea I got from the dirt blocks in Stadium that are not on the ground of a 32x32 cell...but floating a bit.

eie I didn't really design these caves to drive on them, that's really bumpy ^^ I left some free room at the bottom of all objects though...it's relatively easy to drive there.

Hmm a texture database? I don't really see the purpose of that. RIght now I'm always using the same 3 textures. Would be a small database ^_^ If we make the objects moddable then we won't need any database anyway as far as I can see...

Btw. did you guys notice what structure that is in the last pic? It's a very familiar structure, you see it daily :D
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Postby eie » 17.04.2013, 13:46

I was thinking for all kinds of purposes. If you're making a new mod, it'd be nice to have some textures to use, or if you've made some textures which you haven't used, but could look nice in another mod. Would probably be difficult to make though...

That thing in the last pic is a really weird placement of stadium-parts, but still it looks really awesome o_o
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Postby popgun » 17.04.2013, 22:16


Why haven't Nadeo offered you a job yet? You churn stuff out that takes them years to produce. 8)

Loads of mods, loads of tracks. Look em up. :)
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Postby Golo » 17.04.2013, 22:42

Hey, popgun is still alive :thumbup:

Why haven't Nadeo offered you a job yet? You churn stuff out that takes them years to produce. 8)

Couldnt agree more ;)
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Postby Clith » 18.04.2013, 09:59

If they did that though he would be everyone's Hawk and not just ours
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Postby HawkGer » 18.04.2013, 16:02

haha, they don't even have to hire me....I already work for them for free. They send me some goodies from time to time though :D
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Postby HawkGer » 27.04.2013, 20:58

I'm kinda disappointed about the lack of actual ideas in this thread. I thought you guys would come up with much more ideas. Just take some inspiration from other games or real life...ideas don't float in space. It's not really hard to come up with something if you follow that. It would make the modelling much more easier if there were already some ideas detailed here.

Btw. I have to leave tomorrow for 2 months, leaving my PC behind. So I won't be able to make objects on my crappy laptop in that time. I hope some more people will start modelling in that time. We could really use the help!

Here are two more screens from some blocks I made. There are a lot more blocks I made that I didn't show...just don't have the time to make a screenshot right now.


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Postby eie » 27.04.2013, 22:34

That looks really good hawk :)

I asked for more furniture-stuff, or stuff you'd find laying around as small details in a map. Think of ropes/vines hanging from the roof, an empty wooden barrel, some scrap metal, and empty cardboard box, transparent ice blocks(joke :( ), planks, broken shards, rocks, small plants, lamps, chairs and tables, ripped fabrics, empty bottles, stairs(!)... It'd be nice to see some objects which aren't mean to be driven on, but would be a nice touch to any map.

An example: stairs could be a one-way road, since you wouldn't be able to drive up them, but they would still be a nice indicator on where to drive. And barrels would do great on any oil-related map. Improves the atmosphere by a factor of 10.

edit: I just wanted to say thanks again, you obviously do a great effort in making models. I will try making some, but really, yours are of really good quality, and it's just nice to see such nice objects!
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