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Vote for the mods you would like to see in the RPG TitlePack

PostPosted: 03.12.2013, 01:20
by HawkGer
It's time for another one of my crazy polls...we haven't had one in a loooong time :D
This time I would like you to think about which mods you would most dearly like to see in the TitlePack. This will help modders decide which mods to focus on first.

PostPosted: 03.12.2013, 01:32
by XT3
Well the good news is that i am planing to convert Under the seas, and i have started Ghost's Lantern. Its about 3/4 ths of the way done with Ghost's Lantern. THeUnder the Seas mod would be simpler to do in a way as i figured out how to do it. :) I can stat UnderTheSeas tomorrow

PostPosted: 03.12.2013, 08:16
by HawkGer
Btw. I only copy-pasted the mods from vinummusik here without checking if any are missing. There probably are a lot of mods not on vinummusik. So if you want any of those missing mods in the titlepack, just make a reply in this thread with the mod name(s).

Oh and you can also post completely new mod ideas of course, preferably with some screenshots from other games or from concept art.

PostPosted: 03.12.2013, 23:04
by Geekthenet
Title pack is only for tm2 isn't it?

PostPosted: 03.12.2013, 23:20
by Promaxer
would love to see mirrors edge in it, as well as a futuristic mod like broken hull :)

PostPosted: 03.12.2013, 23:29
by XT3
I think Dose is coming Back so he could make Mirros Edge for Tm2 I have UnderTheSeas 3/4ths of the way converted. Its missing some texutres like Snow Trees, Palm Trees and staduim inflatables support and the infl;atable castles

PostPosted: 03.12.2013, 23:55
by HawkGer
Yeah Geekthenet, the TitlePack is only for TM2. If you do not own TM2 Stadium you can get if for 5 euro on the Ubisoft store right now I think ;)
I'm already making a MassEffect mod with some of the BrokenHull textures, so that one is already kinda covered :)

PostPosted: 04.12.2013, 00:06
by XT3
HawkGer wrote:Yeah Geekthenet, the TitlePack is only for TM2. If you do not own TM2 Stadium you can get if for 5 euro on the Ubisoft store right now I think ;)
I'm already making a MassEffect mod with some of the BrokenHull textures, so that one is already kinda covered :)

That sounds awsome Hawk! SO far i got Ghost's Lantern and UnderTheSeas.