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RPG Title Pack Return

PostPosted: 18.09.2013, 16:24
by HawkGer
What happened so far: I was unable to create any objects for a few months since I was too stupid to use the new ConvertAssistent after the NadeoImporter update + there were a few other bugs I couldn't solve on my own.
A few days ago Maxi031 resurfaced and told me what I was doing wrong, which solved all my problems. So now I can go back to making objects :)

Some bad news though: Maxi's HDD crashed a few months ago and he lost a ton of data, including the 70+ objects he already made. So those are now lost forever...

Current progress of the Title pack: 220 objects finalized
Playing around with transparency...same map:

So here is why I made this thread: I really need some help!
There is currently just me editing these objects. I got a lot of stuff to do besides Trackmania. So finishing all those objects will take ages. Some help would speed things up a lot. Contact me if you are interested.

Here is our plan:
Currently we are using the material StadiumDirtGrid which has the PhysicsID 'metal' and uses the texture "StadiumFence". This texture can be made transparent, that's why I chose this material.

The StadiumFence texture will be made 8194x8914 in size and will use this layout for texture assignment:

Here is a list of object categories...some already filled with objects...others just imaginary for now :D

| +---Doors
| +---Symbols
| \---Walls

| \---GlowingVegetation

| +---ArcticPlain
| +---AstronomicalObjects
| +---BackgroundImageFlatPlane
| +---BuildingsComplete
| +---Cave
| +---Cliff
| +---Crater
| +---Dunes
| +---FlyingTerrain
| +---GroundFlatPlane
| +---Miscellanous
| +---MountainsHigh
| +---MountainsLow
| +---RoadsHuge
| +---StructuralParts
| +---StructuralParts2
| \---Trees

| +---ChamferBox
| +---ChamferCone
| +---ChamferCyl
| +---ChamferSphere
| +---Cone
| +---Cylinder
| +---Gengon
| +---Hedra
| +---Pyramid
| +---Sphere
| \---Tube

| +---Arrows
| +---Billboards
| +---BuildingFacadeAdditions
| +---BuildingFacades
| +---Cables
| +---CeilingSpecial
| +---CratesAndBoxes
| +---Doors
| +---Faces
| +---FencesAndWires
| +---Flags
| +---FloorSpecial
| +---Grids
| +---GroundsSpecial
| +---Icons
| +---IndustrialSystems
| +---Lights
| +---MiscellaneousBig
| +---MiscellaneousSmall
| +---NPC
| +---Ornaments
| +---Pictures
| +---Pillars
| +---Roads
| +---RoadsAdditions
| +---Roofs
| +---Signs
| +---Statues
| +---Symbols
| +---Textiles
| +---Texts
| +---TextureSpray
| +---TextureSpray2
| +---Tracks
| +---Vegetation
| +---WallsSpecial
| \---Windows

| +---BendL
| +---Circle
| +---FourSides_Other
| +---FourSides_RectangleGround
| +---FourSides_RectangleWall
| +---FourSides_SquareGround
| +---FourSides_SquareWall
| +---N-Gon
| +---N-Gon2
| +---Triangle
| +---Triangle2
| \---Triangle3

| +---ChamferBox
| +---ChamferCone
| +---ChamferCylinder
| +---ChamferSphere
| +---Gengon
| \---Hedra

| +---BoxBendL
| +---BoxBendU
| +---BoxGround
| +---BoxGround2
| +---BoxSquare
| +---BoxWall
| \---BoxWall2

| +---Cone
| +---Cylinder
| +---Prism
| +---Pyramid
| \---Sphere

| +---Lowercase_A-O
| +---Lowercase_O-Z
| +---SpecialCharacters
| +---Uppercase_A-O
| \---Uppercase_O-Z





| +---BayBuilding2
| +---BayBuilding3
| \---BayMainBuilding

| +---Ancient
| +---Balustrade
| +---Horror
| +---HousingObjects
| +---Industry
| +---Mechanical
| +---MedievalInspired
| +---RoadDecoration
| +---ScifiInspired
| \---WallOrnaments

| +---Banks
| +---CanyonRoadAdditions
| +---Pipe
| +---Ramps
| \---TunnelSubway

| +---AlternativeTexuring
| +---Other
| +---Platform135BaseBlocks
| +---PlatformAdjustedAnglesAltTexturing
| +---PlatformAdjustedAnglesMain
| +---PlatformToRoadSet
| +---PlatformToRoadSet2
| \---PlatformToRoadSetTwists
| +---32x32x8_Variations
| +---Bends
| +---PlatformStandardBaseBlocks
| +---PlatformStandardBlocksAltTexturing
| +---StraightConnections
| +---TubesAndWallrides
| \---Twists

| +---CeilingAdditions
| +---ChurchColumnsAdditions
| +---ChurchColumnsFull
| +---ChurchMainStructures
| +---Grids
| +---Pillars
| +---Railings
| +---RoadBlockades
| +---RoadFoundations
| +---Ruins
| +---SmallStructuralParts
| \---WallAdditions
| +---(Dune)(Desert)
| +---(ScifiTerrainWithCaveTemplates)
| +---BayPort
| +---CaveBig
| +---CaveConnection
| +---CaveSmall
| \---DirtHill

| +---CaveDecoration
| +---Rocks
| +---RocksDriveable
| +---Trees
| +---VegetationMedium
| \---VegetationSmall


| +---(32x32x1.35 HighwayRoad)
| +---(PlankPath)
| +---(SomeNarrowRoad)
| +---(StormRoad)
| +---(TubeThickness0)
| +---(TunnelTube)
| +---(WipeOutRoad)
| +---ChineseWall
| +---CoastRoad
| +---InviRoad
| \---Rails


PostPosted: 18.09.2013, 16:36
by Shortz

PostPosted: 18.09.2013, 17:52
by ZiZa
that's great to hear sho, we can really use some nice videos(s) once we get closer to release

PostPosted: 19.09.2013, 09:07
by Spaï
Hi all
I could help for some objects after this week end.

What priorities for this big list ? ;)

PostPosted: 19.09.2013, 18:05
by HawkGer
Hey Spai
that is really great news to get offered help from someone so knowledgeable about object creation/titlepacks. Can't wait to work with you. As for the priority....I really have no plan yet...but most of the categories with +---D********* are not filled yet, so we will tackle those later I guess ;)

PostPosted: 06.10.2013, 13:40
by HawkGer
Small Teaser:
The Floating Castles

PostPosted: 06.10.2013, 14:29
by malun22
WOW 8o
Looks rly cool :D

PostPosted: 06.10.2013, 21:18
by fleshback
HawkGer wrote:Small Teaser:
The Floating Castles


PostPosted: 07.10.2013, 07:21
by silver
:thumbsup: Hey hawk,
I could help too If you still searching for people! Im not the best guy in 3d modelling but I still did some Objects with Blender. If someone could teach me a little bit in 3d max I think, that I could help too.
Peace zero'silver

PostPosted: 07.10.2013, 08:54
by HawkGer
Hey silver, that is awesome! We could really use your skill. I'm a good tutor (I hope) getting you set up in 3ds max won't be much of a problem I think. I will send you a PM right away :)

Edit: btw. learning 3ds max is not absolutely required. You can also work in Blender if you wish to. The only advantage of 3ds max is that one can exchange .max files (which preserve some editing options).

PostPosted: 07.10.2013, 16:13
by Reahx
omg you are awesome hawkger ^^ :D

PostPosted: 11.10.2013, 19:06
by HawkGer
omg you are awesome hawkger

It's not just's the whole title pack crew that is doing an amazing job right now in my opinion :)
Progress is going great, here two screens of the same track with 2 different mods:

PostPosted: 11.10.2013, 19:36
by BuLL||DoZer
title pack crew, you are awesome...
I also want to build with that things, but it is hard without TM

PostPosted: 11.10.2013, 20:43
by -DasEimer-
Looks even more than awesome!!! 8|
Verrrrry nice job HawkGer :) Can't wait to drive this track :)

PostPosted: 12.10.2013, 07:58
by Reahx
Even more awesome :O

Great job Titlepack crew !

PostPosted: 12.10.2013, 17:09
by XT3
Looks amazing! I have a mod i'm working on. Two actually. One is a abstract Island mod that I could port for TM2 Stadium. The other is something I cant spoil.

PostPosted: 12.10.2013, 22:23
by ZiZa
Mods work a bit different in the titlepack, we will give you all the neccessary infos once the pack gets released

PostPosted: 13.10.2013, 00:10
by eie
This is exquisite !

PostPosted: 16.10.2013, 06:45
by JumperJack
HawkGer wrote:Small Teaser:
The Floating Castles

wow! neat work guys! :D

due to study and work i won't have the time to dive into object creation, but if you would ever need a graphic designer, feel free to ask me. otherwise i'll make sure that i'll be a full-time cheerleader from now on. ;)

PostPosted: 22.10.2013, 20:13
by Reahx
the second picture of the second teaser rlly looks like metal arms the game, did you ever hear about it?

PostPosted: 03.11.2013, 08:05
by Tabasco

i love it ;)

PostPosted: 06.11.2013, 15:45
by HawkGer
We are working harder than ever on the titlepack, hoping for a release at the end of the month.
Here are a few more teasers:

PostPosted: 07.11.2013, 18:40
by XT3
Looks awesome hawk! I like to know what image files we add to our mods to change the textures in the mod? Cause I have a mod that's being converted that I hope to add back some old textures I had to replace because of no transparency was allowed.

PostPosted: 07.11.2013, 20:19
by beep
beautiful :)

i ll work to mine too :crazy:

PostPosted: 08.11.2013, 20:15
by HawkGer
XT3, you can't really prepare your mods for this title pack. I think I already wrote in the first post that we will use a huge texture (8192 x 8192 pixel) for texturing all objects. And because you don't know how that texture is organized yet, you can't make it yet. But I would recommend collecting some new textures. You will need six 2k x 2k textures at least and about 15 1k x 1k textures for the start ;)