The TrackMania RPG TitlePack is now free to download from the
Manialink TrackManiaRPG
Alternatively you can also manually download the TitlePack from this link: TitlePack Download
Put this file into '\Documents\ManiaPlanet\Packs' and then add the TitlePack ingame to an empty station.
For some first impressions see this trailer made by shortz:
[size=8]*Please note that there are currently only 3000 objects included in the TitlePack, not 6000 as mentioned in the video. We do have the 6000 objects finished, there is an objects limit inside of ManiaPlanet though.
To see some pictures visit our Flickr picture gallery
Visit the RPG Blog for some more information:
TrackMania RPG TitlePack Blog

If you want to talk about the TitlePack release on this forum you can use the following thread for that: RPG TitlePack Release Pub
Have fun everyone, I hope you will enjoy the 1st of December. Join us online on RPG Unlimited or Zizas Pub and celebrate with us this milestone in RPG history