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Changes to PixelSport RPG

PostPosted: 01.06.2011, 20:01
by ZiZa

I talked to BigAl recently because we want to change a few things on PixelSport RPG
-New version of CP-Live(improved by baca)
-New message/rule-plugin(written by baca)

If you have any suggestions according rules/infos or even plugins, feel free to post your ideas here :)

Greets, ZiZa

PostPosted: 01.06.2011, 20:09
by Igntul
afk-time counter!

PostPosted: 01.06.2011, 20:20
by trunks_11
and what about questions about the new message-/rule plugin?

PostPosted: 02.06.2011, 07:18
I will like to know the changes on CP-Live please

PostPosted: 03.06.2011, 17:42
by ZiZa
Changes to CPlive are:
Improved performance, the ability to hide it and the ability to switch between coloured/white names.

Sry, i didnt get your question, what do you wanna know?

Greets, ZiZa

PostPosted: 04.06.2011, 10:25
by trunks_11
what will be new with the new message-/rule plugin?

PostPosted: 04.06.2011, 14:39
by ZiZa
-You will be able to use the rulenumber as a parameter, like /rule 1, /rule 2 instead of /ruleone, /ruletwo...
-As admin you can send a rule to another player(due to violation or just to remind) without bothering the others
-/rules will only show the rules to the requesting player, minimizing chat-spam
-For more details, better ask baca since he wrote it ;)


PostPosted: 11.06.2011, 11:05
by ...BOOBY...
Remove link to kacklappen and other places..

PostPosted: 11.06.2011, 11:06
by Tabasco
The Links are parts of the servers.

PostPosted: 11.06.2011, 23:33
by Igntul
sector recs system like on unlimited?

PostPosted: 14.06.2011, 15:01
by trunks_11
sector recs system? Do you mean the times to every cp on the screen?

PostPosted: 22.07.2011, 21:19
by ZiZa
Phase one of the Update is done:

The CPLive-Plugin is updated, we will keep an eye on the performance.

You can open/close the window by clicking the double arrow or pressing F5,
the Colours can be turned on/off by clicking the Titlebar

greets, ZiZa

PostPosted: 22.11.2011, 17:11
by Nunquam
I think we should bring back spectators counted on CP Live because players feel like forever alone and leave :huh: