Ok guy's there is a couple of ways...
The easiest way I know is to create an
Animation .BINK file with a dust/dirt animation .
I always use .gif animation or short portion (4 secs ) of a movie (or dirt trackmania replay^^) to then OPEN radVideo tools to convert to bink.
you then drag the file to your TM folder and use it in MT work ^^
The second way i know take a bit more time and knowledge about the MT editor but can be more efficiant in if well done (not like this example^^).You need to create an image.dds of dirt with transparency (alpha channel tunning).
you then use editor to make the image splash and stay in screen as long as you need (trigger condition).
for this second option I just did an example that you can test and copy the replay (import clip) MT work I did.
here's the files:
TRACKCLIP OF THE MT WORK (can be import in mt)
DIRT SPOT(image i create to imitate :rolleyes: dust/dirt)
But im sure there is other way...good luck !