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need help with Media Tracking and adding sounds to play in b

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need help with Media Tracking and adding sounds to play in b

Postby Birdy81 » 28.09.2014, 07:39

hey guys over the last few week i have been helping RedVirus to build a new track its still in beta as we want to have customs sounds play and some small MT work to be done on it , i know what sound i want played buy dont know how to add it to the track could someone please help out
Posts: 8
Joined: 14.09.2014, 11:04

Re: need help with Media Tracking and adding sounds to play

Postby JuliusOctopus » 28.09.2014, 16:47

You need to put your sound in the folder Maniaplanet/Media/Sounds. Only .ogg or .wav work. If you want everybody to hear while ehy playing, you have to make locator !
Posts: 41
Joined: 11.02.2013, 19:37

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