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Blockmixing out of the building area

PostPosted: 11.06.2010, 14:04
by Igntul
Hello all, since i had many questions about how to mix the blocks outside the stadium, I made this tutorial to help who want to learn this very nice tecnic

The first thing you have to know is wich blocks you can put outside the building area:
I just used some dirt blocks as an esample but you can put every block wich is in the dirt category
So the blocks are:
The whole 7 category (dirt blocks)
The whole 8

PostPosted: 09.08.2010, 15:53
by eie
Can you also add these blocks under Z=1 (Z=0) ?

PostPosted: 09.08.2010, 17:12
by MadeAnonymous

PostPosted: 10.08.2010, 20:40
by fabio_m
i had so much trouble doing that thing a year ago ^^ this definatibly is gonna help newbie mappers

dont you mind if i post some track samples mixed increvible far from stadium ?

PostPosted: 10.08.2010, 21:34
by MadeAnonymous
Screenshots is better :)

PostPosted: 11.08.2010, 01:29
by fabio_m
ok so there's one from my epic track :P
this is how the track finishes


one track by speedline one of the best in hexa editor


and the one that i think its the most epic track outside the limits i ever see


its cool to see tracks that goes so far from the limits and with epic jumps is increvible :thumbup:

PostPosted: 11.08.2010, 07:27
by Tiji78
Lol !!
Excellent :)

PostPosted: 11.08.2010, 08:27
by Igntul

PostPosted: 11.08.2010, 11:07
by MadeAnonymous
Yay, more views for me :D

PostPosted: 28.01.2011, 22:28
by Crow
Isnt it possible to put Blocks outside, and i mean those big blocks that peole use to create walls in rpg maps. Outside iff you put them on dirt or grass?

PostPosted: 30.01.2011, 02:44
by dose
yes its possible to put blocks outside the stadium building limits.
But ...only until 34.(in the picture the block is at X16 - Y34 - Z08 )
more than 34 your track is doomed ! it will make a major bug (mean ;( you loose it), So don't go over 34, orless make backup :)

you have to put all blocks on the grass and then ; open Trackstudio and bring them where you need it and save!


PostPosted: 30.01.2011, 12:50
by Igntul
wtf are you serious? blocks can be put up to 34? i didn't know that, hhmmmmmmmmmmmm.... :o

PostPosted: 30.01.2011, 13:21
by Promaxer
0.o didnt knowed either thats some cool news for trackbuilding :gamer:

PostPosted: 30.01.2011, 15:16
by dose
yeah, and with TMunlimiter, you can use all those parts (in picture) without having to move them with trackstudio or CE.As you can see until its a long parts (more than 4 blocks long) it can be put at the limits and will go over a bit .but if you use this bug , be sure to save your work before adding it; because you CAN'T ERASE it afterward.


PostPosted: 30.01.2011, 18:09
by Igntul
these blocks won't be shown if you open the map without Unlimiter, and the z34 blocks too i guess

PostPosted: 30.01.2011, 23:23
by dose
ooooo, your right IGNTUL !! i thought i ved just found a new trick!!

sorry guy's, false alarm

PostPosted: 31.01.2011, 19:34
by Promaxer
;( ;( ;( ;( ;( ;(

PostPosted: 11.02.2011, 06:33
by sogard
you cant just put blocks outside stadium with tmunlimiter ;( do i have to change anything ?

PostPosted: 11.02.2011, 11:36
by nom²
just open the tmunlimiter .ini data and change the 6 numbers to 256
it allows you to build everywhere on the stadium platform :!:

PostPosted: 11.02.2011, 14:08
by sogard
NomNom wrote:just open the tmunlimiter .ini data and change the 6 numbers to 256
it allows you to build everywhere on the stadium platform :!:

Thanks nom :) :thumbsup:

PostPosted: 17.07.2011, 15:36
by Guest
how you put bloks out of the map?

PostPosted: 17.07.2011, 20:02
Hi :)

You must use ChallengeEdit and put numbers over 32 in the X,Y and Z squares.
For example like that:

Because the building area is 32*32*32.
So when you put numbers over 32, the block will be out of this area. :)
Note that you can't put negative values. However you can put 0 in order to put blocks under the grass ;)

Or you can use TMUnlimiter^^ :thumbup:

PostPosted: 17.07.2011, 21:44
by Guest
but using trackstudio?

PostPosted: 17.07.2011, 22:11
by dose

pick the block on the list you want to move (or clic direct on block in screen.
then use "Z" for up and the others to move left-right.(Rot stands for "rotation")
but keep in mind that not all the block can be place there.
Only dirt parts,cp'S.



PostPosted: 17.07.2011, 22:24
by Guest
i know using trackstudio.
but i try to put the bloks outside and i open editor but i lost all thinks what is outside.