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Watchable replays - Builder edition

PostPosted: 02.02.2013, 12:09
by holzbalken

everybody knows this problem, I have solved it from the recipient-side already in this tutorial - BUT the way easier way to prevent a replay from being not watchable is a 10-seconds-thing for the builder:

If you know your track has a lot of MT in it and probably some blackscreens (remember: even if in the actual run the driver did not get a blackscreen, in the replay ANY blackscreen trigger will trigger!), just follow this one easy step to make an enjoyably watchable replay (in case you don't have an outro already):

1. Go to the outro menu and put an empty trigger at the start.

And that's it.

PostPosted: 02.02.2013, 13:48
by Golo
There are ppl who didnt know that?

PostPosted: 02.02.2013, 13:56
by holzbalken
Guess so, when I look at how many replays aren't watchable... :D

PostPosted: 02.02.2013, 14:53
by Mario
lol thx O_O

PostPosted: 02.02.2013, 17:01
by HawkGer
yes many ppl don't....and how could they? From what I know it was written down nowhere....until now! :D

PostPosted: 02.02.2013, 23:00
Well, all of the replays are watchable since you can edit them. You only have to remove all the clips from the outro.
I always did that way ;)

EDIT: I have just realised you made a tutorial that explain it, sorry for this useless post :pinch: