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Steam vs TMUnlimiter, how to get it works

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Steam vs TMUnlimiter, how to get it works

Postby N00BYZOR » 28.05.2012, 11:36

Hey guys !

TMUnlimiter is a must have tool in Trackmania !
As much to build or play oversized and envimix maps.
And it's really a shame that all the players who bought TMUF on steam can't use this incredible tool.

So, here I will teach you a very simple way to get it works ! ;)

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Postby trunks_11 » 29.05.2012, 13:29

great way... but isn't it also possible to download tmuf from the original trackmania side or another side like chip, install it and then login with your steam bought trackmania account?
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Postby N00BYZOR » 29.05.2012, 13:41

Yes indeed, that seems possible, I just didn't think to that while I created this tuto.
Both way are ok ;)
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